Released on June 27, 2022
Know Your HIV Status
Saskatchewan has proclaimed June 27 as the Provincial Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Day, which coincides with the annual National HIV Testing Day in Canada and the United States.
"We are proud to align with the national HIV Testing Day, as this day raises awareness around the importance of getting tested, and reducing the stigma associated with HIV," Health Minister Paul Merriman said. "We hope this will encourage our residents to feel more comfortable getting tested, whether it's in a clinical setting or from a self-testing kit."
Knowing if you have HIV is the most powerful thing you can do in reducing the spread of HIV. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 40 per cent of new HIV infections are transmitted by people who don't know they have the virus. When HIV is diagnosed and treated early, people can live longer and healthier lives. Knowing quickly if you have HIV, also allows you to take precautions against spreading the virus to others.
Individuals should consider being tested for HIV every five years, and more often if sexually active, sharing drug use equipment or pregnant.
Saskatchewan has many HIV testing options available. Standard blood tests can take a few days for results, or rapid HIV point of care tests provide preliminary results within minutes and confirmed by a lab test. HIV self-test kits available at over 25 locations across the province can be done at home and only require a small sample of blood from your finger tip.
"Increasing HIV testing, early diagnosis and treatment are critical to fighting the HIV epidemic in Saskatchewan," AIDS Programs South Saskatchewan Inc. Executive Director Shiny Mary Varghese said. "June 27 is HIV Testing Day - get tested to keep you and your loved ones healthy and learn about prevention, harm reduction practices and linkages to care. Get educated about HIV, get tested, and break the chains of stigma."
Saskatchewan residents can get an HIV test through their physician, nurse practitioner, local public health office, community-based organization or testing clinic. Testing is free, confidential and available across the province. Information about HIV and testing, including testing locations, is available at and
For information on HIV the public can also call HealthLine 811.
For more information, contact:
Phone: 306787-4083