Released on July 15, 2022
Public health officials have confirmed a second Saskatchewan resident has contracted monkeypox, a rare disease caused by infection with monkeypox virus.
This case is not epidemiologically linked to the first case announced July 13 and the risk in Saskatchewan remains low.
Public health's investigation, including contact tracing, is ongoing but indicates acquisition likely occurred outside of the province.
Due to the risk of identifying the individual, information about the location, gender, age, etc. of this case will not be released. Health officials will provide public notification to a community or location if the risk to others is considered high.
Additional, confirmed cases of monkeypox in Saskatchewan will be reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada per routine reporting practices.
Monkeypox does not spread easily from person to person. It is spread through:
- prolonged face-to-face close contact;
- touching bodily fluids or lesions of a person who is sick with the disease; or
- exposure to contaminated objects such as bed linens or clothing.
Typical symptoms include fever, rash and swollen lymph nodes.
If you have recently travelled to areas of Canada or the world with confirmed cases of monkeypox or have been in contact with an individual with suspected or confirmed monkeypox, and develop fever or other symptoms of illness within three weeks of returning to Saskatchewan, you should call HealthLine 811 or consult a health care provider immediately.
More information and is available at
For more information, contact:
Media RelationsHealth
Phone: 306-787-4083