Released on December 5, 2022
Today, the Government of Saskatchewan introduced the Saskatchewan Revenue Agency Act aimed at establishing a new agency to pursue greater autonomy in tax collection.
"This Act is among the steps our government is taking to protect and defend Saskatchewan's economic autonomy, industries and jobs from federal intrusion and constitutional overreach," Deputy Premier and Finance Minister Donna Harpauer said.
The new Act creates the framework for a new Treasury Board Crown corporation, the Saskatchewan Revenue Agency (SRA). The SRA would be responsible for administering taxes and related programs in Saskatchewan, including taking control of the provincial portion of the corporate income tax system from the federal government.
The Bill is basic in its design, containing standard provisions required to establish a new government agency, including its purpose, powers, overarching governance structure, accountabilities and regulation making authority.
In-depth, multi-year work will now begin on establishing a structure of a new provincial corporate income tax system. Developed strategies will maximize value for taxpayers and address Saskatchewan's needs.
"The Saskatchewan Revenue Agency Act is the first step in a larger undertaking related to transforming the province's corporate income tax system. This transition demonstrates that our government will take the necessary action to stand up for Saskatchewan," Harpauer said.
For more information, contact:
Jeff Welke
Phone: 306-787-6046