Released on March 5, 2021
Double-Digit Increase In Year-Over-Year Exports
Today, monthly merchandise export numbers released by Statistics Canada shows Saskatchewan saw a large increase in year-over-year exports in January.
"Saskatchewan has continued to have solid increases in export figures for several months running," Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison said. "Saskatchewan continues to have what the world needs even through an unprecedented period of global economic upheaval due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are better positioned than any other jurisdiction in Canada for a strong and vibrant economic recovery."
Merchandise Exports in Saskatchewan increased by 14.6 per cent in January 2021, compared to January 2020. Saskatchewan ranked second in percentage change among the provinces on a seasonally adjusted basis, an increase well above the national average of a 1.0 per cent decrease.
Large gains year-over-year were seen in farm and intermediate food products; forestry products and building and packaging materials; industrial machinery, equipment and parts; and metal ores and non-metallic minerals.
Export sales for January were more than $2.7 billion.
For more information, contact:
Robin Speer
Trade and Export Development
Phone: 306-519-5006