Released on January 25, 2021
Intake Now Open For Municipal Projects That Focus On Regional Co-Operation And Good Governance
Today, Government Relations Minister Don McMorris and the Targeted Sector Support (TSS) Steering Committee announced the second intake of municipal projects under the TSS Initiative, making more than $1.5 million of funds available to Saskatchewan municipalities.
“The Government of Saskatchewan is happy to be partnering with our province’s municipal associations once again to provide support to municipalities across Saskatchewan,” McMorris said. “These additional funds will go a long way in promoting collaboration between Saskatchewan communities and help build on the strength of local governments as they serve their citizens.”
The TSS Initiative provides cost-shared grants, up to 75 per cent on eligible costs, to municipalities partnering to strengthen their core municipal responsibilities through projects focused on regional co-operation, capacity building and good governance.
“Municipal Revenue Sharing is an important stream of funding for municipalities,” Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) President Ray Orb said. “We are pleased to see a second round of applications for the Targeted Sector Support Initiative as SARM believes in the power of partnerships and funding projects that support inter-municipal co-operation will advance the sustainability of communities across the province.”
The TSS Initiative receives $1.5 million each year from Municipal Revenue Sharing. Funding is administered by the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) on behalf of the TSS Steering Committee, which consists of representatives from SUMA, SARM, the Saskatchewan Association of Northern Communities (New North) and the Ministry of Government Relations.
“As the voice of Saskatchewan’s hometowns, SUMA knows we work best when we work together,” SUMA President Gordon Barnhart said. “Funding through the TSS Initiative encourages joint municipal projects and fosters inter-community co-operation, actions that add to the long-term sustainability and increase the quality of life in places we live, work and play.”
Applications for the second intake will be accepted from January 25 to March 5, 2021.
Examples of previously-approved projects include:
• Training to enhance the skills of municipal officials
• Developing regional emergency plans
• Completing a joint parks and recreation plan
• Coordinating official community plans and zoning bylaws
• Conducting a municipal district feasibility study
“New North is committed to supporting northern Saskatchewan communities and municipalities, and we are proud to partner with the province and other municipal associations on this initiative,” New North Chairperson Bruce Fidler said. “This second year of funding means many more opportunities for communities to work together and ultimately improve the lives of Saskatchewan families.”
The TSS Initiative was established following a review of the 2018-19 Municipal Revenue Sharing Program, with input from the municipal sector.
Interested municipalities can learn more and apply at or email for more information.
For more information, contact:
Shaylyn McMahon
Government Relations
Phone: 306-787-4340