Released on December 7, 2021
Today, government introduced The Non-Profit Corporations Act, 2021 to modernize laws for non-profit corporations.
"The Government of Saskatchewan recognizes the many important roles non-profit corporations play in our province," Justice Minister and Attorney General Gordon Wyant said. "This Bill is modelled off the new Business Corporations Act, 2021, which was passed this last spring, and represents the next step in the government's ongoing review and modernization of business legislation."
The proposed amendments modernize the Act's provisions to reflect current practices, replace outdated rules and language, reduce red tape, and create efficiencies for organizations by emphasizing the use of modern technologies.
Notable changes include updating provisions for boards of trade and chambers of commerce, removing requirements to provide notices and other documents to the Registrar in matters that do not involve the Registrar and expressly allowing corporate names to be in Cree, Dene or other prescribed Indigenous languages.
The proposed legislation also removes the requirement that at least 25 per cent of directors be Canadian residents, which will create efficiencies for non-profit corporations. This change matches the approach under The Business Corporations Act, 2021.
For more information, contact:
Margherita Vittorelli
Justice and Attorney General
Phone: 306-787-8621