Released on December 9, 2020
Applications are now being accepted for the 2021 Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarship Program.
“Young people are key to the continued growth and prosperity of Canada’s agricultural sector,” said Federal Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau. “This scholarship program will give young leaders the help they need to pursue their studies and embark on a rewarding career in the sector.”
“The Agriculture Student Scholarship Program is an opportunity for our province’s youth to help tell industry’s story,” Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister David Marit said. “By encouraging the best and brightest young minds to pursue a career in agriculture, we are helping to ensure the future success of this important sector.”
The scholarship encourages constructive conversations about where our food comes from and how everyone along the value-chain, from the field to table, shares a role in communicating about food production.
“The scholarship has offered me so much,” winner of the 2020 scholarship Mackenzie Van Damme said. “By helping to fund my education, I am able to learn all about agriculture, meet new people and spark an even greater passion for the field.”
This year’s theme is ‘transparency.’ Applicants of the scholarship are encouraged to explore what transparency is and how it is connected to the public’s perception of modern agriculture.
Students are invited to submit a creative three-minute video or 1,000-word essay discussing transparency in agriculture. Scholarships will be awarded to students in Grade 12 and/or recent graduates entering agriculture-related post-secondary studies in 2021. One winning scholarship of $4,000 and three runner-up scholarships of $2,000 will be awarded.
The deadline for applications is March 1, 2021. For more information on the Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarship Program, visit
This award is funded through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a five-year, $388 million investment in strategic initiatives by the federal and provincial governments.
For more information, contact:
Charlotte McGrawMinistry of Agriculture
Phone: 306-787-4031
Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Phone: 613-773-7972