Released on November 5, 2019
Today, Health Minister Jim Reiter introduced proposed amendments to The Tobacco Control Act to bring vaping products in line with existing tobacco legislation.
“The Government of Saskatchewan takes the health of our citizens very seriously and this legislation is an important step in protecting Saskatchewan youth in particular from the harms of vaping products,” Reiter said. “If you don’t smoke there is no need to vape.”
“On behalf of The Lung Association and its Youth4Change chapter, I applaud the Government of Saskatchewan for introducing vaping legislation aimed at protecting Saskatchewan kids,” The Lung Association of Saskatchewan Vice President of Community Engagement Jennifer May said. “We have worked closely with the government on this issue and have advocated for these changes. It is fitting that the government is introducing this legislation in November, which is proclaimed as Lung Month. By reducing access to vape products and eliminating advertising the residents of Saskatchewan can breathe easier knowing that the government is taking this issue seriously.”
The proposed amendments will be consistent with the majority of provinces that have vaping legislation and will follow existing Saskatchewan tobacco legislation restrictions.
The amendments outlined in Bill 133 will:
- restrict the sale of vapour/e-cigarette devices and products to individuals 18 years of age and older;
- prohibit the display of vapour/e-cigarette products in a retail business where young persons have access;
- restrict the use of vapour/e-cigarette products in and around public buildings, including schools and school grounds, in the same manner as our provincial tobacco legislation;
- prohibit the sale of vapour/e-cigarette products from specified facilities such as amusement parks, arcades, and theatres where youth frequent;
- restrict advertising of vapour/e-cigarette products in the same manner as tobacco products by prohibiting advertising signs and promotional signs in areas where young persons can enter;
- provide the ability to restrict the sale of flavoured tobacco and vapour products by regulation; and
- expand the authority of tobacco enforcement officers to include enforcement of vapour/e-cigarette product restrictions.
The Government of Saskatchewan believes that the proposed amendments will help decrease the number of Saskatchewan youth accessing or using vaping products.
If passed, the amendments will come into effect next spring.
For more information, contact:
Colleen Book
Phone: 306-787-4083