Released on November 4, 2019
Today kicks off Skilled Trades and Technology Week in Saskatchewan. The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed November 3-10 as Skilled Trades and Technology Week to align with National Skilled Trades and Technology Week, which is being recognized across Canada.“The Government of Saskatchewan is proud to recognize Skilled Trades and Technology Week in Saskatchewan,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Those working in the skilled trades and technology fields are incredibly talented and they perform work that has a real impact on our everyday lives.”
Both the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) and Skills Canada Saskatchewan support the proclamation of Skilled Trades and Technology Week in Saskatchewan.
Skills Canada Saskatchewan, a provincial non-profit affiliated with the national organization Skills Canada, encourages youth to consider careers in the skilled trades and technology sectors. They host the Skills Canada Saskatchewan competition every spring – an event where young people interested in showing off their skills compete for medals and a chance to participate in Skills Canada Nationals.
“Skills Canada Saskatchewan works hard to ensure young people are aware of the opportunities in the skilled trades and technology sectors,” Skills Canada Saskatchewan Executive Director Colin Phippard said. “This week helps us meet our goals; it helps raise the profile of these careers.”
The SATCC oversees the province’s apprenticeship and trade certification system.
“We want people to realize how diverse careers in the skilled trades are,” SATCC CEO Jeff Ritter said. “There are more than 40 designated trades in the province. They’re rewarding; they’re hands-on; and they’re perfect for people who like to see their work at the end of the day.”
For more information on Skills Canada Saskatchewan, please visit
For more information on apprenticeship and the skilled trades, please visit
For more information, contact:
Colin Phippard
Skills Canada Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-373-6035
Chelsea Coupal
Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Phone: 306-787-0187
Cell: 306-537-4692