Released on May 7, 2019
The Provincial Capital Commission is hosting a group of high school students from northern Saskatchewan for the 10th annual Charles Knight Youth Mentorship Program.
“After 10 years, the Charles Knight Youth Mentorship Program remains a great learning opportunity for young, eager students,” Minister Responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission Ken Cheveldayoff said. “Through touring our post-secondary institutions, participating in a mock parliament and witnessing the House in session, students receive the educational awareness they need to make decisions about their future in Saskatchewan.”
This year’s student-visitors are from the northern Saskatchewan communities of Cumberland House, Deschambault Lake, Fond du Lac, Île-à-la-Crosse, La Ronge, Southend, Stony Rapids and Wollaston Lake. The select group of students in the program write an essay asserting why they are interested in the program, and how they have demonstrated leadership in their school or community. The students travel with their teachers and chaperones to the province’s capital.
While in Regina, the students learn more about Saskatchewan’s history, careers in the public service and our democratic system of government with visits to the Legislative Building and Government House. Tours include the University of Regina, First Nations University of Canada, Saskatchewan Polytechnic and the RCMP Training Academy to learn more about post-secondary opportunities available to them upon graduation.
The inspiring students are also given the opportunity to meet with Ministers, MLAs, and community leaders during their four-day stay in the capital.
For more information, contact:
Alyssa Pittet
Central Services
Phone: 306-787-4460