Released on June 17, 2019
The Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Agriculture have jointly proclaimed June 16 to 22, 2019, as Native Prairie Appreciation Week in Saskatchewan.
“Saskatchewan’s native prairie is an important part of our province’s identity,” Environment Minister Dustin Duncan said. “This week is a great opportunity to acknowledge the ecological, social and economic contributions of this iconic prairie ecosystem, and to recommit to ongoing efforts to conserve and protect it.”
“Protecting our native prairie and celebrating the role it plays in the province are important to us, along with our farmers and ranchers,” Agriculture Minister David Marit said. “Native prairie affects our wildlife, our environment and our livelihood. We have to work together to ensure that it continues to thrive.”
The Government of Saskatchewan has proclaimed Native Prairie Appreciation Week for the past 21 years, at the request of the Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan (SK PCAP).
The province’s native prairie is a unique ecosystem that is home to a wide variety of plants and animals.
“Native Prairie Appreciation Week is a great way to engage and educate people from diverse backgrounds about the value of native prairie,” SK PCAP Manager Carolyn Gaudet said. “Native prairie provides a number of ecological goods and services and suitable habitat for a number of species. We are encouraging all Saskatchewan residents to learn more about grassland ecosystems and explore and experience what native prairie has to offer.”
SK PCAP is holding events across the province June 16 to 22 to recognize Native Prairie Appreciation Week.
For a complete list, visit or contact their office at 306-352-0472 or
For more information, contact:
Val Nicholson
Prince Albert
Phone: 306-953-2459
Cell: 306-981-5645
Charlotte McGraw
Phone: Phone: 306-787-4031
Cell: 306-526-7833
For public inquires
Phone: 1-800-567-4224