Released on November 2, 2018
The Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) will host the 18th annual Apprenticeship Awards tonight at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina. The awards recognize the new journeypersons who achieved the highest mark on their certification exams from July 1, 2017 until June 30, 2018. Thirty-three skilled tradespeople will receive the Outstanding New Journeyperson Award.“On behalf of the Government of Saskatchewan, congratulations to this year’s winners,” Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said. “Your hard work and commitment helps ensure the continued success of Saskatchewan’s apprenticeship and certification system.”
Other individuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the apprenticeship and certification system in Saskatchewan are also celebrated, including training providers, employers and instructors. SATCC industry partners will present their own awards as well.
“The Apprenticeship Awards recognize high academic achievement,” SATCC Board Chair Drew Tiefenbach said. “However, tonight we will also celebrate the people who supported these new journeypersons along the way. We know how important employers, instructors, and mentors are to the apprenticeship system of training, which is why we will be acknowledging their efforts as well.”
Financial support for the event is provided by more than 30 sponsors. The Event Partner for the 2018 Apprenticeship Awards is Valard Construction.
“Valard has a reputation for having an award winning, industry leading apprenticeship program; we achieved that recognition through our unwavering support of the apprentices themselves,” Valard Construction Vice President of Operations for Saskatchewan and Manitoba Colin Javra said. “Our sponsorship of this event is an extension of that practice, based on the belief that these trades are the backbone of the workforce, for industry throughout Saskatchewan.”
More than 450 people are expected to attend the awards. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. with cocktails and appetizers, followed by supper at 6:30 p.m. and the awards presentations at 7:45 p.m.
The SATCC will post content to its social media channels throughout the evening. Follow along via Facebook (@SaskApprenticeship), Twitter (@SKApprentice) and Instagram (@skapprentice).
To learn more about the Apprenticeship Awards, visit The SATCC oversees the apprenticeship and trade certification system in Saskatchewan.
For more information, contact:
Chelsea Coupal
Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Phone: 306-787-0187
Cell: 306-537-4692
Audrey Wolf-Kaminski
Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Phone: 306-787-5284