Released on March 16, 2018
In an exciting display of balloons and confetti, Casino Moose Jaw welcomed its 10 millionth guest! One lucky customer was awarded $5,000 cash and was given the honour of cutting the first piece of cake to kick off the celebration.“We are thrilled to celebrate the arrival of our 10 millionth guest to Casino Moose Jaw,” Minister Responsible for SaskGaming Christine Tell said. “Over the past 15 years, Casino Moose Jaw has been a major entertainment destination in our province and we thank our guests for their continued patronage.”
In an effort to drive tourism and encourage redevelopment, Casino Moose Jaw was a major piece of a $40 million plan to revitalize the City of Moose Jaw’s downtown core. The 12,000 square foot casino opened its doors to the public in the fall of 2002. It employs more than 100 people, making it one of Moose Jaw’s largest employers.
“Delivering an entertaining customer experience to our guests is at the core of our business,” SaskGaming President and CEO Susan Flett said. “Throwing a party to mark this exciting milestone is just one of the many ways we will be engaging our customers during Casino Moose Jaw’s 15th year of operation.”
Customers playing at a slot machine when the 10 millionth guest entered the building were treated to a free slot play coupon. As well, guests who visited Casino Moose Jaw during the month of February were eligible to enter a draw for an additional $5,000 cash prize.
In 2016-17, Casinos Regina and Moose Jaw welcomed more than 3.5 million guests and gave away nearly $1 million worth of prizes in more than 75 different promotions.
For more information, contact:
Ariane Whiting
Phone: 306-798-0990