Released on April 30, 2018
Saskatchewan’s big game draw opens online May 1, and hunters have until midnight on May 25 to submit their online applications. This year’s draw introduces improvements to better allocate and prioritize licences for Saskatchewan residents.
“The big game draw is an exciting and popular milestone each year for hunters across the province, and we felt it was important to work with stakeholders, improve the process, and address the growing number of applications each year,” Environment Minister Dustin Duncan said.
The ministry is making changes to address concerns about increased applications in all draw species, especially high-demand choices such as antlered elk, moose and mule deer.
Two new priority pools will improve the opportunity for long-term applicants to be drawn. A new top priority pool (‘Legacy’ pool) will enable long-term unsuccessful applicants who have applied for more than 10 years to be considered ahead of ‘Super A’ applicants, while a ‘D’ pool will extend the amount of time for hunters to get to ‘Super A’ pool.
Hunters should apply early and use the online residency verification tool to avoid complications. Several hunts have a high number of applicants compared to available licences. Therefore, the likelihood of any one application being drawn is very low, even for applications in the top priority pool.
The big game draw is administered through HAL, the ministry’s online hunting, angling and trapping licence system. Through HAL, clients can submit, review and update their application, check pool status history and purchase a draw licence.
Clients who need help with their account or the draw application can contact 1-888-773-8450 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., or a Ministry of Environment office.
Draw results will be available through HAL accounts by mid-June, with the exception of pronghorn antelope, which will be available in mid-July. All applicants are responsible for looking up their draw results through their HAL account. Successful applicants will be able to purchase appropriate licences through their HAL account beginning August 1, 2018.
Detailed information about big game draw season and quotas is available at
For more information, contact:
Michele McEachern
Phone: 306-787-0412