Released on May 12, 2017
You now have an opportunity to find out more information about the recommended routes for the west and southeast portions of the future Saskatoon Freeway.
An online forum is going live today to share the routes and the rationale for selecting them in order to finalize the general location study for the project. Landowners, project stakeholders and members of the public are encouraged to visit the site at It features a narrated presentation by members of the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure team, who will walk you through the recommended alignments and evaluation criteria.
There is also information available on the history of the project, as well as the next steps in the development of the Saskatoon Freeway. Previously, public open houses were held on June 25, 2015, and November 19, 2015, where route options were presented and feedback was collected.
By providing an online forum, a wider range of stakeholders and people interested in the project will have an opportunity to receive information and provide feedback for a longer period.
The ministry will be accepting questions and feedback through the online forum until May 26, 2017. Following the online forum, a report will be developed and the general location study will be finalized by August 31, 2017. This will allow for the necessary land to be protected, enabling municipalities, businesses and individuals to make informed decisions about land use.
Development restrictions on non-required lands have been removed. Planning for the future Saskatoon Freeway will take many more years as part of the long-range planning process. Construction is not expected to take place for many years and possibly decades.
For more information, contact:
Paul Spasoff
Highways and Infrastructure
Phone: 306-787-4804
Cell: 306-527-1603