Released on March 28, 2017
To reduce the spread of Dutch elm disease (DED), pruning of elm trees is prohibited throughout Saskatchewan from April 1 to August 31 each year.
The elm bark beetles that spread the disease are most active this time of year. Fresh cuts from pruning can attract the insects and increase the chance of a DED infection.
Proper pruning outside the annual ban period helps keep elm trees healthy and more resistant to all diseases, including DED. Removing dead and dying elm wood also means fewer places for beetles to breed, and helps keep their populations in check.
Throughout the year, including the ban period, remove and dispose of DED-infected elms promptly. Because elm firewood can spread DED, it is illegal to use, transport, store or sell elm wood for any purpose. Dispose of elm wood promptly, using the method and locations chosen by your municipality.
If you hire someone to prune your trees, check their qualifications. By law, commercial pruners of elm trees must complete a recognized training program or be under the supervision of someone who has. Improper pruning techniques can spread DED and other tree diseases.
For more information, call your local municipal office or the ministry’s Client Service Office at 1-800-567-4224.
For more information, contact:
Val Nicholson
Prince Albert
Phone: 306-953-2459
Cell: 306-981-5645