Released on June 23, 2017
The minimum wage in Saskatchewan will increase to $10.96 an hour, from $10.72 an hour, on October 1, 2017.
The increase was calculated using an indexation formula that has been used since 2011.
Saskatchewan’s legislation provides for an annual review based on changes to the consumer price index and the average hourly wage for the previous year. Any changes to the minimum wage are announced by June 30. Changes take effect October 1.
There are approximately 49,900 minimum wage and low wage earners in Saskatchewan. The majority are women (62 per cent in 2016) and youth ages 15-19 (35 per cent). Nearly 70 per cent of low wage earners work in retail or accommodation and food services.
For more information on minimum wage, visit
For more information, contact:
David Horth
Labour Relations and Workplace Safety
Phone: 306-787-0926