Released on February 3, 2017
The Carrot River Co-op is the successful proponent for the retail liquor store opportunity in Carrot River.Four proposals were submitted and evaluated as part of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process.
Consistent with other RFPs, the proposals were evaluated using a specific set of criteria that examined areas such as financial capacity, experience and qualifications, proposed site, timelines and whether there was any ownership involvement by a SLGA employee directly affected by conversion of the existing liquor store. KPMG was engaged to provide oversight of the evaluation process.
The RFP process has now concluded across the province with 50 new Retail Store Permittees (RSPs) having been selected.
The RSPs will replace 39 SLGA liquor stores that are being converted to private opportunities and 11 new retail opportunities.
Customers can expect to see the new private retailers begin operations in the coming months.
For more information, contact:
David Morris
Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority
Phone: 306-787-1721