Released on August 31, 2017
Biggar-Sask Valley MLA Randy Weekes, on behalf of Social Services Minister Paul Merriman, today announced $150,000 in new capital funding to Christian Horizons, a community-based organization that supports people experiencing disabilities.
“We know there are many community-based organizations across the province that do a great job supporting people experiencing disabilities, and it is important that the facilities and buildings they use meet participant needs,” Weekes said. “Our funding to Christian Horizons will allow them to improve their day program space and further support their program participants with dignity, respect and the capacity to meet their changing needs.”
Christian Horizons has been delivering supports and services for people experiencing intellectual disabilities since 1963. Christian Horizons operates 13 group homes in Waldheim, Saskatoon, Warman and Moose Jaw and provides day program supports for 80 people across Saskatchewan.
This new capital funding will go toward making the washroom fully accessible, adding accessibility supports, and plumbing and electrical upgrades.
“By improving the infrastructure at our Waldheim day options building, we can also improve the services and supports we provide to people who have so much to offer through their inclusion in the community,” Christian Horizons Saskatchewan Executive Director Ann Gyurmanczi said. “We have been a longtime partner of the Government of Saskatchewan, and this new funding shows us that they understand the value that our programming provides to people with exceptional needs across the province.”
The Saskatchewan Disability Strategy was released by the Citizen Consultation Team in June 2015. Government accepted the Strategy and is focused on the foundational work of six priority areas including: transportation, respite, accessibility legislation, residential services, service co-ordination and navigation, and awareness/understanding of the rights of people experiencing disabilities.
Saskatchewan residents and communities that have done work which aligns with the Disability Strategy are encouraged to share their accomplishments using the hashtag #SKDisability.
The Saskatchewan Disability Strategy Facebook page can be found at
For more information, contact:
Leya Moore
Social Services
Phone: 306-787-3610