Released on August 2, 2017
A Wisconsin man recently pleaded guilty to hunting violations under The Wildlife Act and was fined $4,200 in Spiritwood provincial court.
In November 2016, the individual was charged and fined by Ministry of Environment conservation officers for hunting without a valid licence and was told he would not be able to apply for a big game, game bird or trapping licence in the province for at least one year.
A few weeks later, officers determined that the accused had used the services of an outfitter to hunt white-tailed deer in the Spiritwood area after being initially fined and suspended.
Officers interviewed the outfitting camp owner who confirmed the accused had been a client of his for a period of a week in early December. The individual was subsequently charged for hunting without a licence.
Willard Niessner, age 80, of Manitowoc, Wisconsin was fined $4,200 for unlawful hunting and given a two-year suspension from applying for a big game licence in the province.
Hunting and fishing laws are in place to protect the province of Saskatchewan’s wildlife populations. Those that choose to violate these laws are stealing opportunities for future generations.
If you suspect wildlife, fisheries, forestry or environmental violations, please call your local Ministry of Environment office, Saskatchewan’s toll-free Turn In Poachers line at 1-800-667-7561 or #5555 for Sasktel cellular subscribers, or report a violation online at You may be eligible for cash rewards from the SaskTip Reward Program.
For more information, contact:
Brienne Bennett
Phone : 306-787-6595
Email :