Released on May 13, 2016
SGI is launching a new, emotionally-charged multi-media advertising campaign to raise awareness about impaired driving.The campaign shows the void, literally, that is left behind when a friend or loved one is killed by an impaired driver. The absence of that person leaves a hole in the lives of those left behind, demonstrating the campaign slogan that “impaired driving impacts lives, families, everything.”
“Too many people are being killed in our province because someone chose to drive while impaired,” Minister responsible for SGI Don McMorris said. “SGI’s new ad calls on all drivers to remember that at any time, any one of us could lose someone we care about due to impaired driving. We owe it to ourselves, our loved ones and all other road users to never drive if we’re impaired by alcohol or drugs.”

The province-wide campaign includes television, radio, theatre and online advertisements. It runs from May 15 to June 13. View the ad on SGI’s YouTube page at
In 2014 (the most recent year for which final statistics are available), there were more than 1,100 collisions related to alcohol or drug use in Saskatchewan, resulting in 61 deaths and 541 injuries. It is important to remember that, like alcohol, drug use, including illegal drugs and some prescription and over-the-counter medication, can also impair driving ability.
“We need to reach people with the message to drive sober at all times,” Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police President Chief Marlo Pritchard said. “Changing peoples’ behaviour is a big job, but through a combination of education and enforcement – and the choices we all make before getting behind the wheel – it is possible. SGI’s new ad shows why impaired driving prevention is so important.”
Tougher penalties for impaired driving took effect on June 27, 2014 in Saskatchewan. Traffic law changes include longer driver’s licence suspensions, immediate roadside vehicle seizures and mandatory ignition interlock for convicted impaired drivers.
Visit SGI’s website at for more information on impaired driving and its consequences. Follow SGI on Facebook and Twitter for safety tips to #TakeCareOutThere.
For more information, contact:
Kelley Brinkworth
Phone: 306-751-1837
Cell: 306-535-6207