Released on September 10, 2015
Today the Western Conservation Law Enforcement Academy was launched for the first time in Saskatchewan with 26 new conservation officer recruits taking part in a 16 week training program.
Established in 2007, the academy is a partnership between the western Canadian provinces and the Yukon Territory to deliver common training standards and curriculum to new conservation officer recruits. The program will be conducted at Candle Lake Golf Resort with recruits from British Columbia, Manitoba, the Yukon and Saskatchewan.
“Conservation officers provide a vital service in the preservation and management of our natural resources,” Environment Minister Herb Cox said. “By pooling resources to deliver this comprehensive training program, these recruits gain the knowledge and expertise required to go out into the field and be able to handle all types of situations in a safe and professional manner.”
Saskatchewan will host the training program for the next two years. Alberta and British Columbia have previously hosted the program.
“Since 2007, 44 Saskatchewan conservation officers have been trained at the academy and are currently working in the field,” Cox said. “Saskatchewan has seven recruits in this year’s program and we are very pleased to host the recruits and instructors from the other jurisdictions.”
Provincial and territorial agencies each contribute funds to run the training academy, which fully covers the $460,000 cost over two years from 2015 to 2017.
There are 134 permanent and 41 seasonal conservation officers in Saskatchewan.
For more information, contact:
Jamie Gibson
Phone: 306-798-3900