Released on November 16, 2015
The provincial government is providing $124,000 to help establish a new Saskatchewan outfitting commission.
The new, industry-led outfitting commission will represent all licenced outfitters. The commission will be an outfitter-driven and outfitter-governed organization that will ensure a healthy and sustainable outfitting industry exists in Saskatchewan. In addition to being a voice for Saskatchewan outfitters, the commission will improve standards and maximize the social and economic benefits offered through outfitted angling and hunting.
Development of the commission is being led by the Saskatchewan Outfitters Association (SOA) in partnership with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism Saskatchewan. This new model will be phased in over the next three years and will help to ensure consumer protection exists across the province’s licensed outfitting industry.
“Saskatchewan is home to some of the best hunting and fishing in the world and our outfitters play a vital role in promoting our province as the destination of choice for hunters and anglers,” Environment Minister Herb Cox said. “Our government is pleased to provide support to establish the commission and I look forward to continuing to work with the outfitters in the future.”
“The new commission will further help to build a robust tourism sector as well as make Saskatchewan more attractive as an outfitting destination,” Minister responsible for Tourism Saskatchewan Jeremy Harrison said. “We look forward to welcoming all hunters and anglers while enhancing the outfitting experience for all to enjoy.”
The Saskatchewan outfitting industry provides facilities, equipment and guiding services for freshwater fishing, migratory and upland bird hunting and big game hunting. A significant driver of tourism, outfitting annually contributes more than $80 million to the Saskatchewan economy. There are more than 600 licensed outfitters in the province.
“Saskatchewan has an abundance of fish and wildlife species, and outfitted fishing and hunting represents a significant portion of our province’s tourism business that is generated from non-residents,” Saskatchewan Outfitters Association President Harvey Kroll said. “We believe Saskatchewan outfitters recognize the importance of continuing to develop exceptional experiences for their guests. The new model will involve all outfitters in the development of programs such as brand development and consumer assurance, with the goal of increasing our market appeal and continuing to deliver on the promise of providing top-quality outdoor adventures.”
For more information, contact:
Michele McEachern
Phone: 306-787-0412
Susan Parkin
Tourism Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-787-2927
Cell: 306-519-6675