Released on June 23, 2015
The Ministry of Environment is reminding anglers to follow the rules and regulations to help manage our fish habitats and ensure natural resource sustainability for future generations to enjoy.
“Saskatchewan offers some of the finest fishing opportunities in the world,” Environment Minister Herb Cox said. “Every year, nearly 250,000 anglers of all ages fish provincial waters, creating jobs, encouraging tourism and contributing to the provincial economy.”
The biggest challenge for those who manage fisheries, which are fish-producing bodies of water, is the balancing act to maintain a sustainable supply of fish, particularly in multi-use lakes where there can be many different demands placed on the same fish resource. These lakes can be more difficult to manage as they can have combined pressures from anglers, commercial and subsistence fishers, and outfitters.
“Anglers have the greatest impact on our fish resources,” Ministry of Environment Fisheries Biologist Murray Koob said. “You can place a limit on the number of fish an angler can legally take from a lake, but we don’t control the total number of anglers that might use that particular water body. That’s why it’s so important to understand and follow the rules with respect to limits and other regulations.”
The province can close lakes to fishing or may reduce limits to further reduce the impact that resource users can have on a particular fishery. Stocking lakes is another option, but Koob noted that stocking efforts are typically best directed at smaller waters that are experiencing limited natural reproduction.
“Fisheries can take decades to recover if they are severely depleted,” Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Executive Director Darrell Crabbe said. “That’s why we encourage anglers to know and follow the rules and regulations in order sustain the resource now and into the future.”
Anglers are reminded to check the 2015 Anglers’ Guide for information on limits and other regulations for the specific waters they intend to fish. Please read the guide or find information about purchasing a licence at
If you suspect wildlife, fisheries, forestry or environmental violations, please call your local Ministry of Environment office, Saskatchewan’s toll-free Turn In Poachers (TIP) line at 1-800-667-7561 or #5555 for SaskTel cell phone subscribers, or report a violation online at Callers may be eligible for cash rewards from the SaskTip Reward Program.
For more information, contact:
Jamie Gibson
Phone: 306-798-3900