Released on June 12, 2015
Today, Government Relations Minister Jim Reiter joined officials from the Saskatchewan Landing Regional Water Pipeline Utility (SLRWPU) to help mark the completion of a multi-year project that now brings an ample supply of safe, quality drinking water to the region.“As the province continues to grow, the Government of Saskatchewan recognizes the importance of investing in regional infrastructure projects that contribute to a high quality of life for our residents, and lay the groundwork for future growth,” Reiter said. “We are pleased to contribute to the Saskatchewan Landing Regional Water Supply project, which is a great example of what can be achieved when municipalities work together to address their infrastructure priorities.”
“Our Government invested in these projects to ensure the region has the capacity to provide good-quality drinking water to its residents, now and in the future,” said Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Consular and Member of Parliament for Cypress Hills-Grasslands David Anderson. “This was a major undertaking and illustrates the positive impact of partnership at all levels of government. The expanded water supply system provides a solid foundation for west-central Saskatchewan to grow, creating jobs and economic prosperity.”
The Saskatchewan Landing Regional Water Supply project includes a 42 kilometre main water pipeline, two water treatment plants and 700 kilometres of connecting lateral rural water pipelines. With the completion of this project, approximately 2,500 residents now have access to better drinking water. Communities include the Village of Wiseton, Town of Kyle, Town of Elrose, and the Rural Municipalities of Lacadena No. 228, King George No. 256, Milden No. 286, Snipe Lake No. 259, Monet No. 257 and St. Andrews No. 287 and Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park.
The governments of Canada and Saskatchewan each invested $8.06 million through the Communities Component of the former Building Canada Fund (BCF-CC) for the lateral rural water pipelines project that taps into the main pipeline, as well as for water storage and a truckfill system in Elrose.
To date, the SLRWPU has invested $8.07 million in the lateral rural water pipelines project, while the RM of Monet contributed just over $321,000 to the BCF-CC project with Elrose. The mainline portion of the Saskatchewan Landing regional water pipeline was funded through the former Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, with the Government of Canada and the SLRWPU each providing $10.19 million for the project.
“This project became possible because of the foresight and willingness of the councils of the four founding municipalities to work together on a regional basis,” SLRWPU Board Chair Lyle Leys said. “As a result of that co-operation, SLRWPU was able to partner with both the federal and provincial governments to secure the necessary funding to bring this large regional project to a reality. It assures the residents of the area that they have a safe and secure supply of potable water."
The Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport also provided $633,000 toward the Saskatchewan Landing Provincial Park portion of the project.
Since 2007, more than 150 municipal infrastructure projects have been funded by the Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan under BCF-CC, benefitting thousands of Saskatchewan residents and their communities.
For more information, contact:
Sarah Still
Government Relations
Phone: 306-787-2687
Rhonda Shymko
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Phone: 306-975-6980
Lori A. McDonald
Secretary/Treasurer for SLRWPU
R.M. of Monet No. 257
Phone: 306-378-2212