Released on April 28, 2015
Saskatchewan’s big game draw opens online May 1 and hunters have until midnight June 2 to submit their online application. Early applications are recommended.The big game draw is a transparent and equitable method of allocating a limited number of hunting licences to Saskatchewan residents. This year’s draw includes licences for elk, moose, either-sex mule deer and antlerless mule deer.
“Saskatchewan’s spectacular natural resources provide ample recreational opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts, including big game hunting,” Environment Minister Scott Moe said. “This year, the big game draw moves to our province’s automated hunting, angling and trapping licence (HAL) system. I encourage all hunters to apply early to ensure adequate time to familiarize themselves with the new process.”
The 2015 big game draw will be administered through HAL, including submitting, reviewing and updating an application, checking pool status history and purchasing a draw licence. These changes help to streamline and simplify the process.
Customers can also verify their residency status through a new online feature. It is recommended that Saskatchewan customers use this feature to verify their residency status before attempting to purchase a licence, or apply for the big game draw so that any errors in their information can be resolved. Customers may contact the Active Network call centre at 1-855-848-4773 or a ministry office for assistance with issues related to their account information.
Saskatchewan residents who are sponsoring a Canadian resident in the Canadian resident white-tailed deer draw must have a HAL account.
If hunters are successful in the big game draw, the appropriate licence will be available for purchase on their HAL account. Hunters can simply select the licences they want to purchase and complete the transaction.
For more information about the big game draw and HAL, visit
For more information, contact:
Michele McEachern
Phone: 306-787-0412