Released on September 5, 2014
A trust agreement signed between the Ministry of Environment and the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation (SWF) marks the transfer of the 100 year-old provincial fish hatchery to the SWF.
The agreement includes the transfer of staff and fisheries programming through the Fish and Wildlife Development Fund (FWDF). The fish enhancement component of the FWDF was established in 1984 to ensure the sustainability of Saskatchewan’s fish resource with a primary focus on habitat management and population enhancement.
“The transfer will facilitate a stronger industry-led partnership within the Fish and Wildlife Development Fund by assigning responsibility of program delivery and administration duties to the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation,” Environment Minister Scott Moe said. “We see this as a positive step for fisheries habitat enhancement and the fish stocking programs.”
Day-to-day operations will be transferred over the next several months. Program oversight, policy development and fish stocking plans will remain the responsibility of the ministry. Ownership of the fish culture station and required equipment purchased by the FWDF will remain the property of the Crown, although operational use will be transferred to the SWF.
As part of the trust agreement, a Capital Reserve Fund will be created to provide for future upgrades to the fish hatchery and for other fisheries enhancement developments.
“The SWF is very excited to take on this new role in the enhancement of Saskatchewan’s fisheries resources,” SWF President David Pezderic said. “This new program delivery model will provide the opportunity to secure additional federal and corporate funding to strengthen and improve our hatchery operations, benefiting present and future generations of Saskatchewan anglers.”
The fish hatchery is located on Highway 210, east of Echo Valley Provincial Park, just outside Fort Qu’Appelle.
The FWDF was established under The Natural Resources Act to carry out fish and wildlife conservation and enhancement programing in Saskatchewan, including management of lands purchased through the fund. FWDF funding is secured from a 30 per cent levy on hunting, trapping and angling licence sales revenue.
For more information, contact:
Barb Barootes
Phone: 306-787-6595
David Pezderic
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation
Phone: 306-227-6847
Darrell Crabbe
Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation
Moose Jaw
Phone: 306-692-8812