Released on April 30, 2014
The big game draw will open on May 1, 2014. Hunters must have their big game draw applications completed before midnight of May 31, 2014 when the draw closes.
“The big game draw is a much-anticipated event each year and continues to grow in popularity,” Environment Minister Ken Cheveldayoff said. “The number of hunters applying for Saskatchewan’s most favourable hunting opportunities has increased significantly over the last 10 years. Hunters are advised to review all available draw opportunities and past draw results to assist in making their selections. Good luck to all applicants.”
All hunters applying for the draw are required to provide their Hunting, Angling and Trapping Licence identification number (HAL ID). Registration for a HAL ID is a one-time requirement; if hunters have purchased a 2013 or 2014 angling, hunting or fur licence, or applied for the 2013 draw, they already have been assigned a HAL number.
Hunters can get their HAL ID, and apply for a licence several ways:
Hunters requiring assistance with their identification can call 1-855-848-4773 to ensure they do not create a second account.
Licences will not be mailed to successful applicants. All awarded big game draw licences will be available through the automated licence system on the individual hunter’s HAL account.
Hunters are reminded that wildlife management zones (WMZs) now follow easily identifiable features such as provincial highways, municipal roads or major water bodies where possible. Available WMZs, season dates, bag limits and quotas may have changed from previous years. Big game draw participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new map and 2014 Saskatchewan Resident Big Game Draw Supplement before they submit their applications.
The 2014 Saskatchewan Resident Big Game Draw Supplement and the new WMZ boundary map are available at
A complete listing of licence issuers is available at
For Saskatchewan Big Game Draw Information visit
For more information, contact:
Michele McEachern
Phone: 306-787-0412