Released on October 1, 2013
“Mothers and Daughters Inspiring Change” is the theme of Women’s History Month in Saskatchewan this year. Women’s History Month is recognized every October across Canada.
Saskatchewan residents are encouraged to recognize the impact of women on the province’s history, and to celebrate their ongoing contributions to their families, communities and the provincial economy. The 2013 theme recognizes the efforts of mothers in guiding and encouraging their daughters to play a vital role in the future of the province.
“This month isn’t only important for women, but for everyone in our province,” Minister responsible for the Status of Women June Draude said. “Mothers are creating a legacy in their communities by encouraging their daughters to run for student councils, volunteer in their communities, take part in sports and cultural activities and mature into accomplished and engaged adults and community leaders. As a result, we all benefit.”
A series of Saskatchewan mother/daughter success stories will be highlighted on the Status of Women Office website throughout October.
Women’s History Month marks the anniversary of the “Persons Case” of 1929, in which Canadian women were formally recognized as “persons” under the law. In addition, the United Nations has declared October 11 as the second International Day of the Girl, to recognize the contributions of girls and young women as citizens and powerful voices of change within families, communities and nations.
For more information, contact:
Pete Paczko
Social Services
Phone: 306-787-0531