Released on November 14, 2013
As part of the 80th commemoration of the Holodomor, the man-made famine that led to the deaths of millions of Ukrainians in the 1930s, Deputy Premier Ken Krawetz joined representatives of the Ukrainian community to present an exact copy of the statue entitled Bitter Memory of Childhood, by sculptor Petro Drozdowsky.
The statue, which features a sullen peasant girl collecting a wheat sheaf, serves as a sobering reminder of the devastation caused by the famine and its impact on children. The original statue is located near the entrance of the National Holodomor Museum in Kyiv, Ukraine.
It is believed that between seven and 10 million people died in Ukraine as a result of this tragedy.
Working with the Wascana Centre Authority, the statue will be placed in a respectful location within the Legislative precinct and will be placed upon an actual millstone, as is the original statue in Kyiv. The statue will create public awareness around Holodomor; and act as a gathering place for people to reflect, learn and become aware of the tragedy.
The Holodomor statue is a project of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Regina Branch.
For more information, contact:
Jay Teneycke
Government Relations
Phone: 306-798-6095
Cell: 306-529-8630