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Province Developing Program for Household Hazardous Waste Management

Released on April 19, 2013

The Ministry of Environment is partnering with the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council (SWRC) to begin developing a province-wide program for the collection and disposal of household hazardous waste (HHW).

“This is an important step in our efforts to find responsible options for residents to dispose of household hazardous waste such as solvents, pesticides, fluorescent lights and products containing mercury,” Environment Minister Ken Cheveldayoff said.  “The government’s Plan for Growth is intended to build a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan residents and the collection and disposal of household hazardous waste materials will help protect our environment and human health and create new opportunities for industry.”

The ministry is providing $20,000 in funding to SWRC to take on the initial work of consulting with industry and stakeholders, to determine what products will be targeted and the regulations that will be required to develop such a program.  SWRC maintains good working relationships with the stakeholders with an interest in HHW recycling and disposal.  The goal for the consultation would be to create a consensus for an effective, permanent, industry-funded, province-wide solution for HHW.

“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to begin the process of establishing a household hazardous waste program and appreciate the commitment of the Ministry of Environment to waste reduction in Saskatchewan,” SWRC Executive Director Joanne Fedyk said.  “The intention will be to follow a similar model as with other industry-led recycling programs.”

The consultations with industry, municipalities and other potentially affected groups will occur over the summer and fall with a final report containing recommendations on program structure and governance being completed in early 2014.

The Minister announced the development of the Household Hazardous Waste program during the SWRC Saskatchewan Waste Minimization Awards ceremony in Saskatoon on April 18.  The awards promote and encourage all sectors of the province to reduce waste by recognizing the successes of those who are leading or employing reduction activities.

For information on current recycling programs in Saskatchewan, visit


For more information, contact:

Barb Barootes
Phone: 306-787-6595

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