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Released on April 8, 2011

Students from Yorkton are the most recent to be awarded for being physically active and making healthy food choices. A split Grade 6/7 class at Yorkdale Central School was the third class to win a checkpoint in the Healthy Kids School Challenge.

To encourage a healthier student body, the Ministry of Education worked with other ministries and in motion to develop the Healthy Kids School Challenge. This challenge is just one part of the ministry's commitment to engage students in 30 minutes of daily physical activity and making healthier food choices.

"The Healthy Kids School Challenge is focused on improving student activity levels and nutrition in a fun way that can include schools, parents and the community," Yorkton MLA Greg Ottenbreit said on behalf of Education Minister Donna Harpauer. "Together we can ensure our children and students are learning healthy lifestyle habits that will benefit them throughout their lives."

Since the November start date, students have reported more than 30,400 hours of physical activity and made over 180,000 healthy food choices. The Ministry of Education and in motion encourages teachers and students across the province to join in the fun, get active and eat healthy.

"The Healthy Kids School Challenge is doing a great job of providing students with physical activity in school," Saskatchewan in motion Graham Richardson said. "If schools, communities and families share responsibility to provide 30 minutes physical activity every day, the recommended 60 or more minutes becomes very easy to achieve."

The Healthy Kids School Challenge runs until the end of the school year. Prizes have been provided by Wintergreen Phys Ed and the Saskatchewan Roughriders to encourage registration and participation through the entire challenge.

For more information on the Healthy Kids School Challenge, please visit


For more information, contact:

Ryan Mulatz
Phone: 306-787-6026

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