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Released on November 24, 2008

Kelsey Trail Health Region is spending $2.74 million to make its most pressing infrastructure repairs and safety upgrades, thanks to the government's $1 billion Ready for Growth initiative.

Replacement of nurse call systems and building security systems are among the projects that are planned to proceed this year.

"Replacing outdated safety systems and making basic building repairs are incredibly important to ensure the safety and comfort of patients and health providers," Health Minister Don McMorris said. "The government must protect our multi-billion dollar investment in our 236 publicly-funded health facilities. This year's funding partly addresses the significant backlog of maintenance, repairs and safety systems."

"This funding is greatly needed and very welcome by the health region," Kelsey Trail Regional Health Authority chairperson Carol Hayward said. "It will allow the health region to address areas of improvement that will enhance staff, patient, client and resident safety. This additional capital funding will also have a positive impact on the quality of work life for regional staff."

The 2008-09 provincial budget earmarked $100 million for health region infrastructure. Kelsey Trail Health Region is receiving the increased funding as its annual block funding for capital infrastructure.

Each health region determines its most urgent priorities, and contracts with suppliers to get the work done.

Improvement projects include upgrades to fire alarm and emergency general systems in most health region facilities.


For more information, contact:

Karen Hill
Phone: 306-787-4083 Glen Kozak
Kelsey Trail Health Region
Phone: 306-873-6600

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