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Released on January 31, 2008

A new pilot project will work with parents to bring quicker resolution to high conflict family law matters through mediation instead of the courtroom.

The Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan, in partnership with the Dispute Resolution Office of the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, has launched the pilot project in Saskatoon.

It has become increasingly apparent that some parents are unable to resolve ongoing parenting issues without resorting to numerous, costly court applications. The intent of the pilot project is to assist families in resolving their disputes through greater access to mediation programs. The Mediator assists each parent, and helps the parents reach their own agreement.

"Too many children suffer from long, drawn out custody battles between their parents," Justice Minister Don Morgan said. "I am pleased to see that the Court and the Ministry of Justice have worked together to address this issue and I congratulate them on their efforts."

The Court will determine which cases to refer to the mediation pilot project. Factors influencing these decisions include:

  • the number of court applications made relating to custody and access issues;
  • one or both parents are unrepresented or have had several changes of legal counsel;
  • access denials have been threatened or are occurring;
  • the parents have difficulty agreeing about discipline or rules for the children; or
  • communication is poor or non-existent with an on-going pattern of anger or distress for the parents or their children.

In some instances, such as when there has been a history of violence or abuse, criminal activity, substance abuse, or mental health issues, the Court may decide that mediation is not appropriate.

The success of the pilot project will be evaluated at the end of June 2008.


For more information, contact:

Candace Cook
Justice and Attorney General
Phone: 306-787-0775

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