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Released on August 29, 2007

The provincial government is providing immediate help to address rising housing costs through increased shelter allowances.

"The province's booming economy has led to dramatic increases for housing in some parts of the province," Community Resources Minister Kevin Yates said. "Affordable and accessible housing is a cornerstone of what makes Saskatchewan the best place to live, work and raise a family, and these increased rates will ensure that Saskatchewan people continue to have access to quality, affordable housing."

The changes include:

• increasing the shelter rate for most Social Assistance Program and Transitional Employment Allowance recipients by $5 to $75 per month;
• increasing the Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement by $6 to $21 per month. The supplement is available to lower-income families and people with disabilities, including those who are working in lower paying jobs; and
• increasing the Provincial Training Allowance by $20 to $35 per month. The allowance is available to people enrolled in adult basic education and quick skills programs.

As well, a number of other changes will make shelter allowances more flexible and responsive to Saskatchewan's housing situation. For example, single clients and childless couples will be eligible to receive greater benefits when they share accommodations with another person.

These changes will be available to more than 16,000 households in Saskatchewan, and will be in place in time to help with October rent. The changes will be automatic - recipients do not need to apply.

Starting September 4th, a new, toll-free Housing Information Line will also be operational. People will be able to access help and information by phoning 1-888-3-HOME-07 (1-888-346-6307). The line will assist people who are having difficulty finding affordable rental housing, experiencing rental cost increases or facing potential eviction. It will operate seven days a week, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekends. The information line will provide referrals to government programs, community-based organizations, student services or private real estate services that may be of assistance.

These immediate steps flow from consultations that have been occurring with community partners and Community Based Organizations. Information gathered at these consultations is being used to develop immediate and longer-term solutions to address housing challenges, including finding ways to ensure that rising housing costs do not affect the supply of affordable rental units in the province.

"Through our consultations, we have heard that some people in Saskatchewan need immediate help with their rent and we have moved quickly to take this first step," Yates said. "In the coming weeks, we will be developing longer-term solutions to ensure that people continue to have access to quality, affordable housing while continuing to encourage investment in the rental market."


For more information, contact:

Jeff Bohach
Community Resources
Phone: 306-787-0916

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