Released on November 22, 2002
Driving with caution when near a snowplow and using the Highway Hotline
before traveling will help keep you and your family safe this winter.
Highways and Transportation Minister Mark Wartman today reminded winter
travelers to watch for snowplows and promoted the benefits of using the
Highway Hotline.
"Drivers need to be cautious when traveling behind or approaching
snowplows," Wartman said. "Accidents involving snowplows tend to be rear-
end collisions. When visibility conditions are poor, snowplows will pull
over at regular intervals to allow travelers to pass safely, so it is best
to wait rather than risk your safety."
Between 1999 and winter 2002, there were 12 accidents involving snowplows
on Saskatchewan highways. There were no fatalities and five personal
Minister Wartman also reminds travelers to use the Highway Hotline before
leaving home.
"With this state-of-the-art information service available, highway users
can make informed decisions on travel," Wartman said. "This can contribute
to safer travel and reduced accident and injury rates."
During severe weather, the Highway Hotline can handle up to 10,000
telephone inquiries daily and even more hits on the Internet site. During
a typical winter season, the Highway Hotline receives 200,000 telephone
inquiries and as many hits on the Internet site.
The toll-free service for the Highway Hotline gives all Saskatchewan
residents free access to the information. Conditions are updated at 8:00
am, 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, or whenever there are known changes that affect
driving conditions.
When calling the Highway Hotline, people should know the highway number
they want details about.
Highway Hotline Phone Numbers:
Regina City and surrounding area: (306) 787-7623
Saskatoon City and surrounding area: (306) 933-8333
The toll-free phone number for all other areas of the province:
To access the Highway Hotline on the Internet or for more information about
other Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation activities, visit the
website at:
For more information, contact:
Pamela Bishop
Highways and Transportation
Phone: (306) 787-4804