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Released on December 3, 1998

Minister responsible for the Status of Women Joanne Crofford today

announced the release of a national declaration on violence against

women by the Federal/Provincial/Territorial Status of Women Ministers.

"This declaration marks the Government of Saskatchewan's commitment to

address violence against women," Crofford said. "It recognizes the

terrible tragedy on December 6, 1989, when 14 young women were killed

in Montreal at cole Polytechnique. In Saskatchewan, Battered Women's

Awareness Week is proclaimed annually, from November 30 to December 6, to raise awareness about violence against women."

The declaration outlines the vision and principles that guide the work

done by the Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women to end

violence against women. The ministers share a vision of safe and

healthy communities where women are not exposed to violence.

"The Government has taken a number of steps, including the Victims of

Domestic Violence Act legislation, funding of transition houses and

sexual assault centres, funding of projects through the Child Action

Plan and Prevention Support grants, education in schools, crisis

housing, Alternatives to Violence programs and numerous other

initiatives, to address violence," Crofford said.

"Much work has been done and needs to continue to be done. We

will continue to work with women's groups, community

organizations, and our federal/provincial/territorial

counterparts on this issue. Together, we can make a difference.

I would encourage people to participate in activities occurring

for Battered Women's Awareness Week around this time."


For more information contact:

Neena Saxena

Women's Secretariat


Phone: (306)787-7012

December 6, 1998




On December 6th, across the country, we mark the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. On this day in 1989, 14 young women in Montreal were murdered because they were women. As we reflect on this terrible loss, we must never forget that many women continue to live and die in the shadow of violence.

Today, I join all my colleagues across the country, the federal, provincial and territorial Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women, in a declaration of our commitment to end violence against women.

Violence against women has devastating consequences in many women's lives and significant social and economic repercussions for society as a whole. Every day, women are intimidated, harassed, stalked, assaulted and abused, often at the hands of an intimate partner. As a society,we cannot and must not tolerate this violence. We must recognize and address the root causes of violence against women and the underlying issues of power and control.

The Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women share a vision of safe, healthy communities where women are not exposed to violence or the threat of violence. Our vision is based on the full equality of women and men. We stress the importance of culturally-appropriate and

community-based solutions that take into account linguistic, cultural and geographic diversity, that respect Aboriginal values and culture, and that reflect the particular needs of vulnerable groups.

To achieve this vision, all of society must take responsibility. The elimination of violence is a long-term goal which can only be realized through lasting change in societal values and attitudes.

Governments cannot achieve this goal alone. Individuals, service providers, voluntary and professional organizations, the broader public and corporate sectors all have a role to play. It is important that men, as well as women, participate in finding solutions.

Sustained action is required, combined with innovative, creative approaches. It is particularly important that programs and services be flexible in their design and delivery in order to be accessible and effective. In this comprehensive effort, strong co-ordination across all sectors is essential, first and foremost to provide safety, as well as to deal with perpetrators, and to prevent

violence before it happens.

Our work to end violence against women is guided by the following principles:

Living free of violence is a right, not a privilege.

Violence against women is a crime and should never be considered a private matter.

Crimes of violence must be dealt with accordingly.

Safety for victims and survivors must come first.

In order to eliminate violence against women, equality and healthy relationships among boys and girls must be promoted from an early age. Our approach is built on three key strategies: a long-term focus on public education and awareness to change attitudes and behaviour; accessible and responsive services to provide safety

and support to victims and prevent revictimization; and effective justice programs to hold perpetrators accountable and provide treatment programs for abusive men.

On many fronts, our governments have shown their determination to end violence against women. Through our policies and initiatives across the country, and our leadership at the international level in ratifying United Nations conventions and supporting UN action plans, we have clearly articulated the unacceptable and intolerable nature of this violence.

Much work has been done to address violence against women. We will continue to build on the expertise of women's groups and other community partners and, together, we will work to improve the effectiveness of our efforts through ongoing partnership, consultation, evaluation and research.

As federal, provincial and territorial Ministers Responsible for the Status of Women, we reaffirm our determination to stop violence against women. This is a top priority for our governments. Our commitment will be realized through the actions of each jurisdiction. Together, these actions will enable us to meet the challenges and achieve our goal. We owe it to all women who may be affected by violence, now and in the future.

6 d‚cembre 1998





Le 6 d‚cembre de chaque annee, nous commemorons la tragedie survenue a l'Ecole polytechnique de Montreal en 1989. Toutes et tous se souviennent de ces tragiques evenements au cours desquels 14 etudiantes ont perdu la vie, victimes d'une violence deliberement dirigee contre elles parce qu'elles etaient des femmes. Nous devons

continuer … nous souvenir, nous souvenir et agir pour que jamais plus pareille tragedie ne puisse se produire.

Aujourd'hui, a titre de ministre responsable de la Condition feminine, je joins ma voix a celle de mes collegues federale, provinciales et territoriales pour reaffirmer, par cette

declaration, notre engagement a lutter contre la violence faite aux femmes.

La violence contre les femmes est un probleme grave, dont les consequences affectent lourdement la vie des femmes qui la subissent. En plus de ses effets devastateurs sur le plan humain et social, cette violence a des repercussions economiques majeures. Chaque jour, des femmes sont harcelees, intimidees, menacees, agressees et violentees, souvent par leur conjoint. La societe ne peut ni ne doit tolerer ce probleme. La violence contre les

femmes decoule de la domination que les hommes ont historiquement exercee sur les femmes.

Les ministres responsables de la Condition feminine partagent l'ideal de communautes ou les femmes pourront vivre sans etre exposees a la violence ni meme a la menace de violence. Cette vision se fonde sur le principe de l'egalite entre les femmes et les hommes. Il importe que les solutions mises de l'avant tiennent compte de la diversite

culturelle, linguistique et geographique et qu'elles soient adaptees a la realite des groupes qui presentent une vulnerabilite particuliere face a la violence. Nous reconnaissons notamment que l'intervention en milieu autochtone doit respecter les valeurs et les cultures autochtones.

Nous sommes convaincues que seule une mobilisation generale de toutes les forces vivesde la societe est porteuse de solutions efficaces et durables contre la violence faite auxefemmes. Les gouvernements ne peuvent agir seuls. Non seulement les gouvernementsemais aussi les individus, le personnel de tous les secteurs de services concernes, les organisations, le domaine communautaire et les entreprises privees doivent prendre part a cette vaste mobilisation. Les hommes, en particulier, doivent etre partie prenante de la solution au probleme.

Nous privilegions une approche globale, coherente, coordonnee et concertee face a la violence de meme qu'une action soutenue qui favorise l'emergence d'initiatives creatrices et originales.

Nos travaux visant … mettre fin a la violence faite aux femmes s'appuient sur notre conviction que :

À À Vivre sans violence est un droit, non un privilege;

À À La violence contre les femmes n'est pas un problme d'ordre prive. Les actes de violence commis sont criminels et doivent etre trait‚e comme tels;

À À La securite et la protection des victimes de violence ont priorit‚ en matiere d'intervention;

À À L'elimination de la violence faite aux femmes repose sur la promotion de valeurs egalitaires entre les filles et les garcons des leur plus jeune age.

Cette approche privilegie trois strategies-cles: la mise en oeuvre de programmes de prevention, d'education et de promotion de l'egalite; la consolidation de programmes efficaces et adaptes d'aide, de soutien et d'information aux victimes; et l'etablissement de programmes de traitements adequats pour les agresseurs ainsi que la sanction des comportements violents.

A plusieurs occasions, nos gouvernements ont manifest‚ leur determination a mettre fin a la violence faite aux femmes. Que ce soit en jouant un role de leader aupres de l'Organisation des Nations-Unies, en ratifiant des conventions internationales, en s'associant a des programmes d'action comme ceux adoptes par l'ONU, ou par l'entremise des politiques et des programmes d'action que nous nous sommes donnes, nous avons clairement affirme le caractere inacceptable et intolerable de cette violence.

Au cours des dernieres annees, un travail enorme a ete accompli pour eliminer la violence contre les femmes. En continuant de s'appuyer sur l'expertise des groupes communautaires, notamment des groupes de femmes qui interviennent dans ce domaine, nous comptons ensemble ameliorer l'efficacite de nos efforts axes sur le partenariat, la

consultation, la recherche et l'evaluation.

En tant que ministres federale, provinciales et territoriales responsables de la Condition feminine, nous reaffirmons notre determination a mettre fin a la violence faite aux femmes. Cette question est au coeur des priorites de nos gouvernements. Chaque gouvernement demeure responsable de ses engagements et de ses interventions. La conjugaison de nos efforts permettra de relever les defis et d'atteindre les objectifs vises. Il en va du

mieux-etre des generations futures et de notre avenir collectif.

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