Released on January 27, 1997
Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management (SERM) Minister LorneScott offered his condolences to the families and friends of three SERM
staff members who died as a result of a plane crash today.
Wally Kost, a wildlife biologist, Kevin Misfeldt, a conservation
officer and Brett Thomas, a pilot, were killed. At the time of the
crash, they were conducting an aerial survey of the white-tail deer
population in the Manitou Sand Hills area near Lloydminster.
"This is a tragic and devastating situation," Scott said. "Wally,
Kevin and Brett were valued members of our department who were working
to fulfil their important duties associated with wildlife management.
I am deeply saddened and my heartfelt sympathies are extended to their
families and friends."
"Saskatchewan's public servants provide valuable programs and services
to our citizens and it is always a tragedy when people lose their lives
in the line of duty," Premier Roy Romanow said. "I want the families
and friends of Mr. Kost, Mr. Misfeldt and Mr. Thomas to know my
thoughts are with them."
The cause of the crash is not known. Transport Canada and the RCMP are
continuing their investigation.
For more information, contact:
Ross MacLennan
Assistant Deputy Minister, SERM
Phone: (306) 787-9079