Public Utility Fees
A person/entity using or benefiting from a municipal good/service (like transit, solid waste, parking, or recreation facilities) or a utility (like water or sewer) will pay for it through a per-unit charge.
Typically, the good, service, or utility is managed separate from other municipal services.
You may set up fees as full cost-recovery models. Fees collected from the use or benefit of a municipal good or service should be used by the municipality to provide the service. Examples may include:
- Operations;
- Maintenance;
- Expansion; or
- Rehabilitation costs.
Council can set utility service rates through a bylaw. These rates can include:
- The lease/sale of equipment;
- Fittings;
- Equipment; and
- Meters or other things needed to deliver the service to consumers.
Each municipality sets its own rates based on its cost of providing the service.
The funds generated by fees are used for the utility service being provided. In a municipality other than a city, the Saskatchewan Municipal Board (SMB) must approve bylaws related to water consumption or use of the sewer.
Legislative Authority: S. 8-9, 22, 23, 312-315 MA, S. 8-9, 22, 24, 331-334 NMA and S. 8-9, 17, 275-278 CA
Local Improvement Charges (LIA)
Under the LIA, a municipality may recover all or part of the cost of local infrastructure extension, renewal, or rehabilitation from benefiting property owners.
Owners can pay the cost in a lump sum or over a period of time, as set in bylaw. Municipal councils must approve all local improvement projects through bylaw and obtain approval through the SMB.
Legislative Authority: S. 16-21 LIA
Business Improvement District (BID)
A BID is a defined area where businesses may be required to pay an additional levy in order to fund projects within the district’s boundaries.
These projects are in addition to the services that are already provided by the municipality, and may include capital improvements, branding, and streetscape enhancements. Council can establish a BID through a bylaw.
Legislative Authority: S. 38-39 MA and S. 25-26 CA