For general information on the use of FIT by the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency’s Screening Program for Colorectal Cancer (SPCRC), visit the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency Screening webpage.
The FIT test is an immunochemical method to be used where clinically indicated to rule out lower GI bleeding. This method requires collection of one sample only and has no diet restrictions prior to collection. It is more sensitive than the guaiac fecal occult blood test (FOBT) card.
FIT kits are available for outpatient testing from health region laboratories. The FIT can be ordered by an authorized health care provider (physician, nurse practitioner). A requisition is required when the sample is submitted to the Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory (SDCL). Kits are available through regional labs (out-patient collection sites). The kits can be used for up to one year; the expiry date is on the sample bottle label.
Point of Care (POC) tests are available for hospital in-patients and emergency departments. For ordering and distribution of POC test kits in Saskatchewan hospitals, use the POC Alere Canada supply contract: Hema-screen, SPECIFIC, Product #YYHSSPCAS25.
Preferred requisitions are:
- Chemistry & Immunoserology requisition (Doc 1400-55 SDCL003R) - Write FIT in the Other Tests section.
- LIS manifest - Please indicate the collection date of the sample on the requisition.
The FIT sample must be labelled with:
- patient name
- patient date of birth
- date of collection
Health region labs should put LIS labels on the reverse of the bottle and not cover the original label.
Packaging for shipping to SDCL
Regional staff can insert the FIT sample (non-SPCRC program) in the blue foam rack in the green tote for delivery to SDCL. The requisition can be placed in order with the other requisitions. The collected sample is stable for 15 days at room temperature.SDCL can provide same-day analysis of FIT samples.