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Growing Knowledge and Abilities

Growing Knowledge and Abilities

Below is a listing of the 2024-25 programs and services connected to the theme Growing Knowledge and Abilities Safer Communities. A complete description of Saskatchewan’s Children and Youth Strategy is found in the Executive Summary.


1. Learning Supports

Program/Initiative Purpose Partners
Alternate Format Materials (AFM) Library Alternate format materials are used by students who have a visual impairment or other physical condition which makes using standard print difficult. This includes large print, Braille, audio, e-text and kits. Ministry of Education, Saskatoon Public School Division
Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) CIF makes effective investments in community-based projects and programs that contribute to the healthy growth and development of children and youth, individual and community well-being, as well as developing leadership capacity throughout the province. Community Initiatives Fund, Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation and Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport
Education and Literacy Program in Youth Custody Facilities Facilities employ full time teacher therapists who develop personal academic plan(s) for the residents who require a K-12 education. School program consists of Saskatchewan high school core curriculum. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Final Clinical Placement Bursary Eligible to anyone who is in an education program that requires a non-salaried clinical placement as part of the educational program. The amount is $2000, with a one-year return in service commitment in a rural or a northern community. Exceptions are given for professions that are limited to larger urban centres of Regina and Saskatoon. Ministry of Health
Kindergarten A universal, school-based early learning program for all five-year-olds on a half day basis in provincial schools. Ministry of Education and school divisions
Programming Adaptation School divisions may provide courses and programs that differ from those provincially developed when those courses do not meet the unique student needs. This includes Alternative Education Programs (grades 10-12) and Functional Integrated Programs (grades 9-12). Ministry of Education and school divisions
Provincial Education Plan 2020-2030 Framework The four priorities within the framework are: inclusive, safe and welcoming learning environment; ensuring students have the skills and knowledge for their future; forming connections and relationships; and supporting mental health and well-being. The long-term provincial education plan is in development and will focus on the needs of all Prekindergarten to Grade 12 students. Ministry of Education; school divisions; First Nations education authorities; Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations; Métis Nation-Saskatchewan; Office of the Treaty Commissioner; business; industry; post-secondary; parents; school boards; League of Educational Administrators, Directors and Superintendents; Saskatchewan Association of School Business Officials; Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation
Public Libraries A safe place within the community where children can access a great variety of high quality, selected resources, information, and tools, in all formats including digital. programs are also available across all age groups that develop independence, cognitive and social skills, as well as a variety of literacies. There are over 300 public library branches across the province. Ministry of Education, 11 library systems
Public Libraries Supporting Children and Families with Unique Reading Needs Children and youth have access to reference and leisure reading materials in alternate formats to develop and maintain a love of reading throughout their lifetime. Ministry of Education, 11 library systems
Public Libraries Supporting Newcomers with Multilingual Resources Access to numerous leisure reading books in world languages. These books help newcomer children, and their families retain their heritage language. In addition to assisting with secondary language acquisition, heritage language retention also provides many social, cultural, and cognitive benefits. Many public libraries also provide free services and programs to assist newcomer children and their families. Ministry of Education, 11 library systems
Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre (Sask DLC) The Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre (Sask DLC) was established to provide high-quality Kindergarten to Grade 12 online education for Saskatchewan students, no matter where they live in the province. Kindergarten to Grade 12 students and families can choose to study online full-time or grades 10-12 students can choose to supplement their in-class learning with one or more online courses. There are more than 120 online high school courses available, including 70+ unique elective options covering a wide range of subject areas. In addition, students or take part in hands-on learning opportunities or they can enrol in Dual Credit courses that provide both post-secondary and high school credits. This wide array of options provides students throughout the province flexibility and choice in their learning to meet their unique needs and support their graduation plans. Sask DLC works collaboratively with all school divisions in the province to support student learning. Sask DLC also works with local industry partners to provide students with pathways from Kindergarten to career through exposure to future career opportunities and supporting the development of a future skilled labour force for the province. Saskatchewan Distance Learning Corporation, Ministry of Education, school divisions, local industry partners
Saskatchewan Student Aid Provides needs-based and income-tested assistance to ensure post-secondary education remains accessible and affordable. This includes loans, grants, scholarships, and targeted supports for those with the greatest need. Ministry of Advanced Education and post-secondary sector partners
Youth in Custody – Educational Transitions Aids in the transition of students in open and closed custody facilities to their home school division. Ministries of Education and Corrections, Policing and Public Safety and school divisions

2. Paths to Employment

Program/Initiative Purpose Partners
16-/17-Year-Old Program A voluntary program for youth who require support and services when they are unable to safely reside in their family home. It supports the youth and their family to work toward reunification, while supporting youth to continue their education and/or training. Youth turning 18 years of age who are living independently, enrolled in an education, vocational or an approved treatment program may continue to receive support until the end of June when the school year is completed. Ministry of Social Services
Addressing Barriers Leading to Education/Employment (ABLE) Program Supports students ages 16 to 22 who face barriers to employment with job search and connections to employment. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Apprenticeship Students in grades 11 and 12 who successfully complete a trade-related credit may apply for up to 100 trade time hours towards apprenticeship through the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC). In grades 9 to12, students can earn up to 300 hours by participating in the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Program offered by the SATCC and supported by the ministries. The SYA is a high school program designed to help students in grades 9 – 12 discover the rewards of working in the skilled trades through hands-on experience. The program provides students with a head start on skilled trades career planning and a better understanding of the steps to journeyperson certification and provides a strong foundation for succeeding in an apprenticeship program post-graduation. SYA scholarships are awarded to selected, eligible high school graduates who have completed SYA and are pursuing a career in the skilled trades. Ministries of Education and Immigration and Career Training, Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission
Big Brother/Big Sister Matching mentorship program for children and youth to make a positive difference in their lives by developing and implementing a broad range of programs. Serving as role models, mentors teach by example the importance of giving and giving back, of staying in school and of having respect for family, peers, and community. Ministry of Social Services, Big Brother/ Big Sisters
Building Bridges to Employment Supports individuals by reducing and eliminating barriers to employment by offering life skills training, employability skills classes, work assessments and supervised volunteer work placements. It is designed to help individuals build a solid foundation of life and employment skills in order to successfully transition to employment. Individuals are equipped with resources and learning tools to assist them in making informed choices in relation to employment opportunities, training and education. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Street Worker’s Advocacy Project
Canada Digital Adoption Program A unique work experience program that provides skills training in digital consulting from a recognized postsecondary institution as well as leading industry sector partners. It is for young adults ages 18 to 30, from underrepresented groups who have graduated from high school, are currently enrolled in post-secondary or are recent post-secondary graduates. Participants are trained and mentored as E-commerce Advisors to provide technical and consulting services to eligible businesses. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Career Development for Youth This program offered through the Regina District Industry Education Council (RDIEC) Inc., provides labour market and career development information through experiential learning to students in Regina Public School Division, the Regina Catholic School Division, the Prairie Valley School Division and the File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council. The RDIEC acts as information conduit between students and employers in the Regina area by providing business and industry a first-hand opportunity to relay relevant and accurate labour market and career information to youth; and, maintains an effective and sustainable partnership between industry and education. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Career Development Services provided by the La Loche Friendship Centre The La Loche Friendship Centre Corp provides specialized career development services for at risk youth aged 18 to 30 years old, who are residents of La Loche and service area including Clearwater River Dene Nation, and who are not currently involved in employment, education or training, and who are facing difficulty transitioning into the labour market. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Connecting Youth to the Labour Market This program, offered through the Saskatoon Industry Education Council Inc. (SIEC), provides career development information and opportunities to youth, educators, and participants from community-based organizations (CBOs) where applicable, and career practitioners through programming and events which facilitate connections to the Saskatchewan Labour Market. Serves students from the Saskatoon area, Saskatoon Public Schools, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, Prairie Spirit School Division and the Saskatoon Tribal Council. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Dual Credit Policy The purpose of the Dual Credit Policy is to provide alternative pathways to graduation by allowing high school students the opportunity to earn high school credits and post-secondary credits or other program recognition concurrently in the same course. High school students may participate in training or post-secondary courses earning both high school and postsecondary credits or other recognition for the same course or program. Ministry of Education, various organizations
Education and Employment Placements for At Risk Youth Provides structured and supervised activities for youth who do not have an education/employment placement, locates appropriate placements for youth, supports youth to transition into, maintain and succeed in placements, and transitions the youth to independent participation in their placements. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Saskatoon Downtown Youth Centre (EGADZ), Street Worker’s Advocacy Project Regina, Ile a la Crosse Friendship Centre, Rainbow Youth Centre
Education and Training Incentive (ETI) - a benefit available through the Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) or Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) programs The ETI provides a financial benefit for training/education. Training/education can be Adult Basic Education, workforce development or skills training program through an approved training provider (post-secondary institution or career service supplier). Ministries of Social Services and Immigration and Career Training, post-secondary institutions and career service suppliers
Employment Program in Youth Custody Youth who attend school full-time and are eligible could hold part-time jobs, obtain a driver’s licence, achieve employment readiness, and obtain safety tickets for construction employment as part of their reintegration plan back into the community. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Employment Support Program for Youth The Employment Support Program for Youth (ESP4Youth) provides career preparation and skill building programming to at-risk youth, ages 16-29, experiencing multiple barriers to obtaining and maintaining employment. Serves youth in the Prince Albert area.< Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Extension of Supports for Youth in Care A voluntary program for young adults transitioning from ministry care, to provide financial and other support services up to the age of 21 for long-term and permanent wards who are pursuing educational or vocational training. Ministry of Social Services
Fostering Learning and Marketable Employment Skills (FLAMES) The Ignite Adult Learning Corporation's FLAMES program supports at-risk young adults aged 16 and over who have not completed grade 12, are unemployed or underemployed. The program provides them with the opportunity to focus on education and acquire workplace essential skills to successfully obtain and maintain employment. The goal of the program is to have each participant secure employment or pursue post-secondary education opportunities. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
myBlueprint A digital portfolio, education and career/life planning resource that supports students’ transition through secondary school and beyond. This digital platform allows students to develop individualized graduation and post-graduation plans by exploring their career identity, building their personal plans for post-secondary education and employment and, creating a skills portfolio they can build upon throughout their career. Ministries of Education, Advanced Education and Immigration and Career Training
Newcomer Youth Engagement Program delivered by Saskatoon Industry Education Council This program supports newcomer youth, ages 17 to 21 with low English level and low education levels, to enhance their language skills, gain employment experience and support settlement in the community. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Online English for Employment (E4E) for Youth delivered by Global Gathering Place Inc. This program provides online English for Employment training for newcomer youth in Saskatoon, ages 18 to 29, in developing their English language skills to assist them find and maintain employment. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Partners in Employment Program (PIE) Yorkton delivered by Saskatchewan Abilities Council Inc. The program provides specialized employment services to participants 16 years of age or older facing multiple barriers to obtaining and maintaining employment. PIE provides employment supports such as developing entry level job readiness, job search skills, skill enhancements, work experience and finding employment that is appropriate to their needs and will assist youth to maintain their attachment to the labour market. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Prairie Harvest Employment Program The program provides specialized career and employment services to at risk youth, ages 16-29, facing multiple personal and systemic barriers to employment. The program supports youth in the Yorkton area. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Public School Umbrella delivered by the Saskatoon Public School Division The program supports youth with classes to achieve academic Grade 10 and/or Grade 12 to be able to access post-secondary education and/or employment. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Ready To Work Tourism and Hospitality Program delivered by Tourism Saskatchewan The program assists high school students with employability and skills training. Participants receive basic life management and pre-employment skills to assist in career building. Participants exit the program with transferable skills, abilities, and attitudes to link them to the labour market and establish a well-developed plan for personal and career development. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Regina Public Schools - Pathways Partnership (Part of the Gang Violence Reduction Strategy) The program supports high school students living in high-risk communities in their transition from high school to employment opportunities. Students can choose from four pathways: Media and Design, Communications, Hospitality, and Leadership and Mentorship. Ministries of Justice and Attorney General and school divisions
Road to Employment The program helps youth, 18-25 years of age, address their personal, academic and employment concerns. Program serves youth in Regina. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Rural and Remote Recruitment Incentive Offered to nine health classifications who begin their employment in a permanent full-time position with the Saskatchewan Health Authority/affiliate in one of the eligible 54 communities. Recipients can receive between $30,000 and $50,000 with a 3-year return in service commitment. Ministry of Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority, health affiliates
SaskCode and Robotics delivered by Saskatoon Industry Education Council This program supports teachers to engage approximately 3,000 students in Saskatchewan schools from Kindergarten to Grade 12 with educational experience in coding and robotics. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Sask Lotteries Funded Programs These programs initiate and sustain the participation of children and youth in new or existing arts, sports, cultural and recreational activities that advance their life skills, enhance their sense of belonging, and foster pride in their accomplishments and leadership skills. Over 12,000 sport, culture, recreation and community organizations benefit through grant funding or other programs and services. Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport, Sport Canada, Sask Sport, SaskCulture, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA)
Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) Programming in Youth Facilities Coding, robotic and design/build practical and applied arts classes are offered to youth clients in custody. Ministries of Education, Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, Saskatoon Economic Council and Sask Code
Skills Canada Saskatchewan Annual provincial competitions provide a forum for secondary, post-secondary and apprentice students to compete in over 35 trade and technology areas. Students participate in practical challenges designed to test the skills required in trade and technology occupations. The philosophy of the skills competitions is to reward students for excellence, to directly involve the industry in evaluating student performance and to keep training relevant to employers. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Status of Women Office Grant Fund Grant funding is provided to non-government organizations to deliver programs and other initiatives that support girls to pursue careers in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM). Status of Women Office, Ministry Parks, Culture and Sport
Trades Training Program Provides hands-on construction projects, in which high school students construct a house under the supervision of their respective teacher(s) and site supervisor. Saskatchewan Housing Corporation and various community partners
Transition from School to Work Program delivered by Independent Futures Inc. This program provides an enhanced employment service to students in their last year of school who face barriers and challenges to effective career development, employment, and employment maintenance in Kipling, Whitewood, Lipton, Broadview, Grenfell, Wolseley, Indian Head, Balcarres, Fort Qu'Appelle, Balgonie, Milestone, Southey, Vibank and Montmarte. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training
Young Worker Readiness Certificate Course 14- and 15-year-olds are required to complete the Young Workers Readiness Certificate Course (YWRCC) before starting work in Saskatchewan. The YWRCC will help prepare youth joining the job market for the first time. They learn workplace health and safety and minimum legislation (e.g. for safety, pay and hours of work) they and their employer must follow. They will also learn about workplace rights and responsibilities for employees and employers and where to go for help. Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety
Youth Transition Program delivered by Southeast Advocates for Employment The program supports youth, ages 16-22 experiencing disabilities, through their transition out of high school into employment and/or post-secondary opportunities. Ministry of Immigration and Career Training

3. Well-Equipped Educators

Program/Initiative Purpose Partners
Annual Mental Health Training Grants for School Divisions School divisions are provided with a suite of training options from which to choose to build the capacity of their staff in the areas of mental health, suicide prevention and/or student safety. Grant funding is provided to school divisions in support of various training opportunities. Ministry of Education and school divisions
Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools This document provides guidelines for school divisions and school-based administrators who are developing digital citizenship policies. It is not a prescriptive policy; instead, it offers a roadmap for building appropriate school division policies and school-specific digital citizenship guidelines and procedures. Tools to help teachers, administrators, and parents as they get started on the implementation of digital citizenship education for K-12 students are also included. Ministry of Education, post-secondary institutions, school divisions
English as an Additional Language (EAL) and Immigration Portal Provides a platform and resources for school division level EAL professionals to connect with each other and discuss topics such as challenges experienced as well as resources and supports available online and in their school divisions. Ministry of Education, school divisions, immigrant-serving agencies and federal government
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Initial Assessment Funding Provides school divisions with funding ($500,000 in 2023-24) to support the initial assessment of newcomer learners with the intent of having educators identify the language and learning needs of newcomer students. Ministry of Education and school divisions
LivingWorks Start Suicide Prevention Training Professional development offered to school divisions via the Pillars for Life: Saskatchewan’s Suicide Prevention Plan, to train educational staff in basic suicide intervention skills. Ministries of Health and Education, school divisions
Mental Health Capacity Building in Saskatchewan Schools A collaboration between schools and communities that supports positive mental health and well-being by focusing on mental health promotion efforts and activities. Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Mental Health First Aid Course Based Training (MHFA) Professional development offered to school divisions, to help train educational staff as facilitators in MHFA. Trained school division staff will be better able to assist a person who is showing signs of declining mental well-being or emergency. Ministry of Education, Mental Health Commission of Canada and school divisions
Specialized Support Classroom (SSC) Pilot Project
The Ministry of Education provides each of the eight participating school divisions with funding ($450,000) to complete the SSC Pilot Project. The Specialized Support Classroom pilot began February 2024 and runs to June 2025. It is intended to assist school divisions in designing effective school-based approaches to help address challenging classroom behaviour. The pilot will provide students with specialized short-term supports to help them with self-regulation by offering an additional learning space with specially trained staff. The long-term purpose of the pilot project is to offer examples of successful targeted intervention methods and to increase teacher capacity to manage complex classrooms. Ministry of Education and eight school divisions: Living Sky; Light of Christ; Prince Albert Catholic; Saskatchewan Rivers; Greater Saskatoon Catholic; Saskatoon Public; Regina Public; and Regina Catholic
Teachers Innovation and Support Fund The Teachers Innovation and Support Fund supports projects that aim at providing better student and teacher experiences within classrooms. This fund seeks to promote local, innovative ideas to enhance classrooms in areas such as student achievement, student and teacher wellness, and school safety. Ministry of Education
Training to Support Early Childhood Educators (ECE) in Early Learning and Child Care Environments Free, accelerated and remote ECE training and professional development opportunities that provide opportunities for ECEs to upgrade their certification and skills while working. Grants are also available to support ECEs to study while working or to address costs of training and professional development. Ministry of Education, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Collège Mathieu, Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies, Dumont Technical Institute, regional colleges
Training to support Social, Emotional, Spiritual Development of Children in the Early Years Sector Online access to self-directed training opportunities that address children’s development. Ministry of Education, school division, community partners and child care centres

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