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Building Safer Communities

Building Safer Communities

Below is a listing of the 2024-25 programs and services connected to the theme Building Safer Communities. A complete description of Saskatchewan’s Children and Youth Strategy is found in the Executive Summary.


1. Prevention and Intervention

Program/Initiative Purpose Partners
9-8-8: Canada’s Suicide Crisis Hotline 9-8-8 provides an easy to remember and easy to access suicide crisis number for all Canadians. Ministry of Health, Public Health Agency of Canada, Centre for Mental Health and Addictions, Mobile Crisis Regina, Prince Albert Mobile Crisis, Saskatoon Crisis and Intervention Service
Be Kind Online Government funding provides youth access to Be Kind Online grants that encourage youth to make positive change in their schools and communities.

The Be Kind Online website provides resources to students, teachers, families and community members.
Ministry of Education and SaskTel
Child Abuse Prevention Education Policy statement on Child Abuse Prevention Education and Response (CAPER) encouraging school divisions to create policies and administrative procedures to mandate the teaching of child abuse prevention education for all students. Ministry of Education, school divisions
Children Exposed to Violence This program assists children and youth who have been exposed to interpersonal violence and abuse, with a goal of preventing children from becoming victims or perpetrators of violence and abuse in the future. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Catholic Family Services of the Battlefords, Prince Albert and Saskatoon, Envision Counselling and Support Centre, Family Services Saskatoon, Moose Jaw Women’s Transition Association, Saskatchewan Health Authority, YWCA of Regina, Navera Community Connections, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation, Onion Lake Cree Nation, Athabasca Health Authority
Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) CIF makes effective investments in community-based projects and programs that contribute to the healthy growth and development of children and youth, individual and community well-being, as well as developing leadership capacity throughout the province. Community Initiatives Fund, Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation and Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport
Community Intervention Model (CIM) Part of the Gang Violence Reduction Strategy. Supports exiting individuals who are gang-affiliated between the ages of 15-30 and assessed to be at a high risk to re-offend. CIM provides three phases of services, with the ultimate goal of individuals being able to remain out of gangs. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, STR8 Up
Community Safety and Well-Being Planning Provincial planning table supporting community safety and well-being planning at the community level. It supports collaboration and information sharing across municipal, provincial, First Nation and federal governments. By working together to better understand the needs of citizens and assess assets and gaps, communities are working to build a strong start for children. Justice ministries, ministries of Social Services, Government Relations and Education
Community Threat Assessment Protocols (CTAP) and Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) A CTAP is a protocol developed collaboratively between a school division and community partners that outlines a comprehensive and multidisciplinary response to assessing threat-making behaviours and provides a commitment to the appropriate and timely sharing of information and the development of intervention and support plans.

CTAPs are based on the North American Centre for Threat Assessment and Trauma Response’s Model of Violence Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA).
Ministries of Education, Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, Social Services, school divisions, Saskatchewan Health Authority, community partners
Family Law Mandatory Early Dispute Resolution In all Saskatchewan court jurisdictions (effective July 1, 2022) family law matters that come to family court will be required to attempt a family dispute resolution process by the close of pleadings before they may continue with any further court proceedings. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General
Family Service Saskatchewan Rapid Access Counselling for Children, Youth and Caregivers Walk in counselling clinics are available in 21 communities across the province through Family Services Saskatchewan. Single-session, solution-focused services support the continuum of mental health and addiction service and assist individuals in developing skills to manage their symptoms/issues. Ministry of Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Family Services Saskatchewan
Family Violence Intervention Programs Provide services and support to women, men and families living in violent or potentially violent circumstances. Services offered include clinical counselling, crisis response and intervention, in-home visits, drop-in and registered group programming, individual case planning, safety planning, community awareness and presentations. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General and community support services
Home Fires Family Youth (HF2Y) Targets at-risk Indigenous children/youth and their parents/caregivers. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Indigenous Christian Fellowship, Circles of Life, Circle Project, Community Safety and Rehabilitative Services, Community Police Services Centre
Hub Tables These tables bring together a variety of partners to provide wrap around supports and shared outreach to children and families.

There are currently 14 Hub Tables (serving 15 communities) operating throughout Saskatchewan.
Justice ministries, Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Health Authority, school divisions, police services, community-based organizations, tribal councils
Indigenous Family Violence Program Culturally appropriate, community-based programs that help Indigenous families, living in urban centres, deal with various forms of abuse/violence. It offers a more comprehensive and holistic service to address the issue of family violence in co-operation with other agencies working in the family violence area. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Circle Project Association, Kanaweyimik Child and Family Services, Prince Albert Grand Council Holdings, Prince Albert Indian Métis Friendship Centre Corp., Saskatoon Indian Métis Friendship Centre Inc., Society for the Involvement of Good Neighbours (SIGN)
Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) An integrated policing unit charged with investigating and apprehending perpetrators of child sexual exploitation. The unit’s mandate is to reduce the vulnerability of children to internet facilitated sexual exploitation by identifying victimized children and investigating and assisting in the prosecution of sexual offenders. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, RCMP, municipal police forces
Kids Help Phone Kids Help Phone provides e-mental health services which are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via phone, text, website and Facebook as well as a Resources Around Me database to provide children and youth with the opportunity to search for resources in the local community, including counsellor and mental health support. Ministry of Education, Kids Help Phone
Northern Alcohol Strategy (NAS) Empowers and inspires communities to have important conversations about the unhealthy uses of alcohol. The NAS promotes community collaboration while using evidence and healing-centred approaches in order to reduce alcohol-related harms. The strategy is empowering communities and community members, including youth, to reduce alcohol related harms. Ministries of Correction, Policing and Public Safety, Justice and Attorney General and Health, Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, Saskatchewan Government Insurance, Saskatchewan Health Authority, federal government partners and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan
Pathways Program – Scott Collegiate High School Pathways provide learning experiences tailored to student interests and strengths. Individualized learning plans are established consisting of dual credit offerings, certifications, work experience or leadership training that relate to post high school plans. Wicihtowin (Cree: “to help mutually”) teachers guide students to build a personalized experience centred around the student’s interests. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, Regina School Division No. 4
Police and Crisis Team (PACT) PACT consists of mental health workers and police officers responding to calls together where an individual may have a mental health and/or addiction crisis and requires immediate assistance but may not require a standard police response. This team improves public and personal safety by providing collaborative and effective crisis intervention. When triaged PACT recipients are referred to the appropriate level of service. While not targeted for children and youth, PACT could have interactions with children and youth. Ministries of Health and Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, RCMP, municipal police services, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Services
Police-based Victim Services Provide crisis intervention, information, support, advocacy and referral as well as court related services immediately following a crime and throughout the criminal justice process to minimize revictimization through involvement in the criminal justice system. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, community victim services, police services
Post-Secondary Institution Sexual Assault Policy Post-secondary education institutions have created a stand-alone policy on sexual assault. Ministry of Advanced Education and post-education institutions
Public Libraries The over 300 public library locations in the province provide both wired and wireless access to all residents to the Internet on a secured network. This service provides a safe space for youth and adults to access information and services online including access to government services. The Ministry of Education provides access to the Internet at all public library locations in Saskatchewan through a secured network called CommunityNet. Ministry of Education, public libraries
Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine (RAAM) clinics in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, and North Battleford. RAAM clinic teams include addiction medicine specialists, counsellors, and primary care providers who help those with alcohol and substance use disorders in a timely way by offering rapid assessment, pharmacological treatment (such as OAT), and connections to the community. Ministry of Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Saskatchewan Child Abuse Protocol 2019 The Saskatchewan Child Abuse Protocol (the Protocol) demonstrates a commitment by the Government of Saskatchewan and Police Services to ensure that all efforts to protect children from abuse and neglect are integrated, effective and sensitive to the needs of children. To achieve this goal, all professionals will support the Government of Saskatchewan and Police Services to enable them to prevent, detect, report, investigate and prosecute cases of child abuse and support children who have been abused. Ministries of Social Services, Health, Justice and Attorney General, Corrections and Policing and Public Safety, Education, Government Relations, Parks, Culture and Sport, and the Saskatchewan Association of Chiefs of Police
Saskatchewan Prevention Institute Increasing awareness and encouraging behaviour changes among youth about risk-taking behaviour involving alcohol use, sexual activity, pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Ministries of Health and Social Services, Saskatchewan Prevention Institute
Saskatoon Restorative Action Program (RAP) Saskatoon RAP uses restorative justice approaches to work with youth to develop and practice conflict management, relationship management and leadership skills in 11 Saskatoon high schools. Ministries of Education and Justice and Attorney General
Sask Lotteries Funded Programs These programs initiate and sustain the participation of children and youth in new or existing arts, sports, cultural and recreational activities that advance their life skills, enhance their sense of belonging, and foster pride in their accomplishments and leadership skills. Over 12,000 sport, culture, recreation and community organizations benefit through grant funding or other programs and services. Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport, Sport Canada, Sask Sport, SaskCulture, Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA)
Sask Sport Resource Line A confidential, anonymous resource phone line intended to assist coaches, athletes and parents in determining the most appropriate course of action for issues of concern or maltreatment in sport. Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport, Sask Sport
Sexual Violence Services Services for children and youth who have experienced sexual abuse. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Prince Albert Mobile Crisis, Society for the Involvement of Good Neighbours, South West Crisis Services, community sexual assault centres
Status of Women Office Grant Fund Provides grant funding to non-government organizations that deliver interpersonal violence and abuse prevention programs, services and other initiatives to support healthy behaviour, self-esteem and boundary setting in youth. Status of Women Office
The Regina Intersectoral Partnership (TRiP) A two-component, multi-sector collaborative risk driven initiative designed to improve community safety and well-being in Regina. The goal is to make appropriate connections and referrals for children to optimize their health, safety and development through improved communication and collaboration among service providers. Ministries of Social Services, Corrections, Policy and Public Safety, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina Public and Catholic school boards and Regina Police Service
Tobacco and Youth Smoking/Vaping Action taken to decrease vaping in youth to include: prohibiting the sale of vapour products to anyone under the age of 19; prohibiting vaping in enclosed public places and in vehicles with anyone under the age of 16; limiting where vapour products can be sold; restricting advertising and promotion of vapour products; restricting the sale of most flavoured vapour products to age-restricted specialty vape shops; vaping-related resources are available for free for Saskatchewan teachers and students; the provincial youth test shopper program helps to ensure compliance with restrictions on sale of tobacco and vapour products to youth under 19 years of age and tobacco and vapour product sales are prohibited at many locations that youth visit including schools, arcades, theatres, and amusement parks; smoking, vaping and tobacco cessation services are available for Saskatchewan residents. Saskatchewan Health Authority, Lung Association Saskatchewan and Ministry of Health
Victims Compensation Program Provides payments for reasonable expenses resulting from criminal acts of personal violence including up to $5,000 for counselling for children exposed to domestic violence. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, police-based victim services and domestic violence victim services agencies
Victim Services Responder Program As members of Child Advocacy Centres in Regina and Saskatoon, provides information, support and referrals from the first interview throughout the criminal justice and/or child protection process to the closure of the case to minimize trauma to child victims and their families. Ministries of Justice and Attorney General and Social Services, Regina and Saskatoon Police Services, Regina and Saskatoon Police-based Victim Services Units
Services Units Victim/Witness Services Provides court orientation and support for child witnesses and other vulnerable victims/witnesses to help reduce fear, anxiety and further trauma through testifying. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Public Prosecutions and Police-Based Victim Services Programs

2. Community and Facility-Based Justice

Program/Initiative Purpose Partners
Chaplaincy in Youth Custody Facilities A chaplain attends facilities on a regular basis (will attend for special needs) and facilitates residents accessing opportunities for worship and bible teachings, provides support for youth who are facing personal/emotional issues, loss and grief counselling, mentoring, conflict resolution and education on trauma in both individual meetings and in group setting. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Child Support Calculation Services The Child Support Service helps families ensure a fair level of support for their children without the need to go to family court.

Administrative calculation or recalculation services help parents avoid the financial burden and stress of going through the family court system to determine an initial child support amount or to recalculate existing child support amounts. There is no cost to apply.
Ministry of Justice and Attorney General
Community Connections Programs Provide and support sustainable connections for sentenced youth and young adults (12-24 years) to rejoin their communities with supports such as case management and access to services that help address their unique risk factors. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General
Community Justice (Alternative Measures and Extrajudicial Sanctions Programs) Using restorative justice principles, offenders are held accountable for their actions, while providing victims, communities, and offenders with the opportunity to address individualized needs in a meaningful way. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, First Nations, Tribal Councils and community partners
Courage to Change (C2C) Program involves case managers engaging one-on-one with youth using interactive journals designed to target risk factors that contribute to criminal behaviour, such as substance abuse and pro-criminal thinking. The Courage to Change program was expanded to Community Corrections in 2023-2024 and is now utilized with youth in custody as well as with youth in the community that fit the criteria for the program. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Culture Camp Through cultural experiences, such as horse teachings, sweat lodge ceremonies, sharing circles, sobriety storytelling, traditional song teachings, nature hikes, and guest speakers, youth in custody can experience a culture camp to reach the goal of reducing returns to custody. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Decision Points An evidence-informed correctional program developed to address risk, needs and responsivity by targeting anti-social thoughts and skill deficits through an interactive cognitive-behavioural approach. It is developed for flexible delivery across settings and available time with open entry/exit options and is constructed of five comprehensive learner-centred lessons fostering continuous delivery in both custody and community supervision settings. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
First Nations and Métis Programs in Youth Custody Facilities A full-time cultural coordinator provides ongoing cultural events. Dedicated Elders provide programming for youth as well as provide one-on-one support for youth experiencing personal/emotional difficulties. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Health Services in Youth Custody Facilities The nursing program provides health assessments on admission, mental health collaboration, medication oversight, training, harm reduction and sexual education, collaboration with doctors and pharmacists, and daily health care of the youth. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Helping Children Thrive Facility case managers engage one-on-one with remanded youth using interactive journals designed to learn about themselves and develop skills which will contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
High Risk Violent Offender Initiative Offered through Saskatchewan Health Authority Mental Health and Addictions Services. Provides cognitive behavioural interventions which are associated with reductions in anti-social behaviour. Cognitive behavioural interventions help youth understand their thoughts and feelings, influence their behaviours, and by influencing their own thoughts they can help to change negative behaviours. Saskatchewan Health Authority
Integrated Classroom Initiative A partnership in Regina that supports effective transitions for youth from custody back to the community by providing an integrated classroom in the community that will serve as a transitional learning space until a permanent school placement is found. While participating, youth are connected to services and supports in the community. Ministries of Education, Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Regina Work Prep, the Regina Public and Separate school divisions, and the John Howard Society
Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Meets mandatory requirements of the Youth Criminal Justice Act through the provision of mental health alcohol, drug assessments and conferences and provides services related to Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision orders. A young offender team with social workers and a psychologist provide group therapies, individual counselling and transitional support for youth and families. Ministries of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Keep it Direct and Simple A program of ten skill-based interactive journals for youth with behavioural and addictions issues covering topics such as: why am I here, substance use, 12-step program, feelings, family, relationships, and communication, how we think, how we change, values and skills for moving forward. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Saskatchewan Youth in Care and Custody Network (SYICCN) The SYICCN is a non-profit organization that advocates and supports youth, aged 14-24, in or from foster care/young offender systems. Located in Regina, the SYICCN is mandated to help set up local 'networks' throughout Saskatchewan and develop strategies that empower youth in and from the system. Ministry of Social Services
School-based Restorative Justice School-based restorative justice programs help young people resolve conflicts, develop leadership abilities, build positive relationships, enhance their academic skills, provide supports to students during school year, and hold activities. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Yorkton Tribal Council, Pinehouse Wellness Centre, Saskatoon Restorative Action Program
Thinking for a Change (T4C) An evidence based cognitive behavioural correctional program focused on facilitating problem-solving skills, social skills and cognitive restructuring. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
VOICES Four interactive journaling modules in one workbook. The program is designed to assist female youth in exploring themes of self, connection with others, healthy living and preparing for their journeys ahead. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety
Youth CARE Program Provides opportunities to make positive, healthy choices (and reduce/prevent crime) through community options and supports. Services include mentorship/role modelling, problem solving, advocacy, referrals to community resources, and specialized supports for youth exposed to vulnerable circumstances. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Rainbow Youth Centre
Youth in Care Educational services to youth who are students of the province and placed with these approved residential treatment organizations by the Ministry of Social Services. The students placed in these facilities have assessed needs that cannot be met in the regular school system. Ministry of Education, Ranch Ehrlo and Eagles Nest Youth Ranch
Youth Victim Restitution This program provides young offenders with access to income-generating opportunities in the community with the goal of compensating victims for loss or damage. Ministry of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety, Prince Albert Métis Women’s Association, Territorial Drive Alliance Church, Saskatoon Indian Métis Friendship Centre, Regina Treaty/Status Indian Services

3. Transitions

Program/Initiative Purpose Partners
CHAZ Court Designed for young singles transitioning from care to independent living. It provides tenants with property management services, tenant relations and opportunities to learn new skills related to independent living. Tenants also have support persons in place to assist them with the transition to independent living. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation and Ranch Ehrlo
Crisis and After Hour Service After hours emergency child protection or financial assistance to ensure the personal safety of children, individuals and families from abuse, neglect or personal crisis situations. Ministry of Social Services contracts with Mobile Crisis Services and the Salvations Army to provide after-hours services for children and adults
Downtown Browne’s Shelter Emergency youth shelter for ages 16-18 provides short term, supportive accommodation on an emergency intervention basis to youth surrounded by negative environmental factors, demonstrating high personal vulnerability and at-risk of homelessness. Street Culture Kidz, Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation
Emergency Shelters for Women and Children Leaving Domestic Violence Transition homes and shelters for women and their children leaving domestic violence. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General and community partners
Family Intervention - Rapid Support Teams (FIRST) Provides immediate help and ongoing assistance to families that may be at risk of experiencing violence. FIRST outreach workers provide collaborative, timely services and ongoing support to families to reduce the risk of future violence. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, West Central Crisis and Family Support Centre, Envision Counselling and Support Centre, Moose Jaw Transition House, North East Outreach and Support Services
Fusion22 For single mothers, fathers, two parent families and youth who have aged out of the care. It includes a trades/training component to the program which will provide participants with training, employment experience, wages and the personal reward of helping people in the community. EGADZ, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, Ministry of Social Services
Garden of Hope (EGADZ) The new, youth-driven therapeutic housing provides better access to mental health and addiction supports for youth aged 12 to 18. Garden of Hope provides a safe place for youth to remain in their community while receiving the help they need. The program’s objective is to reduce self-harming behaviours, suicide attempts and hospital visits and admissions. EGADZ, Saskatchewan Health Authority, Ministries of Social Services and Health
Ground Zero Emergency transitional housing (youth shelter) for youth ages 16-18 years who are in need of safety and support. Provides an immediate, safe place to reside while longer term housing is being secured. EGADZ, Ministries of Social Services and Health, Saskatchewan Health Authority
Intensive In-home Supports Provides an intensive after hours response to ensure the personal safety of children and youth to remain in the family home. Ministry of Social Services, Indigenous and community-based organizations
Kate’s Place A 24-hour supervised, stable and supportive housing to women and children with specialized program support that meet their spiritual, physical and emotional needs. Support areas include substance misuse reduction, parenting skills/knowledge, reunification with children in care, and programs to generally enhance their health and well-being. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Salvation Army in Regina
Lulu’s Lodge A supportive home for LGBTQ2S+ youth 16-21 with shared communal spaces. It provides safe, inclusive and stable housing for LGBTQ youth facing homelessness. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, John Howard Society
Mobile Crisis & My Aunt’s Place Emergency benefits for women with children who are seeking emergency shelter. Residents receive support, counselling, advocacy, assistance with housing, and transportation while determining their options for the future. Income assistance is provided as an emergency benefit for families seeking this type of service and provide transitional assistance to more long-term housing. Ministry of Social Services, Mobile Crisis (Regina), the YWCA (My Aunt’s Place)
My Homes A voluntary program that supports young people ages 12-23 on their healing journeys who are wanting to create lifestyle changes or need a supportive environment to achieve their personal goals and gain independence. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, EGADZ
Operation Help Supports the sexually exploited to access immediate support for legal, health, security, spiritual, housing, and relationship building needs. The program’s focus is a support circle concept, using positive mechanisms to encourage lifestyle changes. Ministries of Justice and Attorney General and Social Services, EGADZ, Police, Legal Aid, Court Workers, peers and Elders
Outreach Services - Prince Albert Provides outreach services for at-risk youth in Prince Albert. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Prince Albert Outreach Program
OUTSaskatoon Pride Home A home for LGBTQ2S+ youth 16-21 with shared communal spaces in a supported living environment. The available services will address high-risk characteristics associated with marginalization, domestic violence, poverty and isolation. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, OUTSaskatoon, CMHC, Stewart Property Holdings
PA Métis Women’s Association Serves all people with a focus on self-declared Métis people residing in, and around, Prince Albert who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. They also provide some support in transition to employment and independent living. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, Prince Albert Métis Women’s Association and CMHC
Phoenix Place – Youth Mentorship 4Plex Provides affordable housing for youth transitioning out of care. Services provided include education/employment outreach; life-skills counselling; community liaison and appropriate referrals as needed. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, YWCA Prince Albert
Prince Albert Youth Shelter Emergency youth shelter ages 16-18 provides short term, supportive accommodation on an emergency intervention basis to youth surrounded by negative environmental factors, demonstrating high personal vulnerability and at-risk of homelessness. Prince Albert YWCA, Social Services
Respite Provide after-hours/emergency respite/day care services to ensure the personal safety of children, individuals and families from abuse, neglect, or personal emergent situations. Ministry of Social Services, Indigenous and community-based organizations
Safe House, Quint Youth Lodge and YWCA Housing Provides children and youth with a safe place to drop in for a meal, shower, seek advice, do laundry and access other personal services. The program provides links to cultural activities and access to Elders/Kehteyak for support or guidance and advice as needed or requested. Ministry of Justice and Attorney General, Saskatoon Tribal Council Urban First Nations Services, Quint, Prince Albert YWCA
Sage Suites A supportive home for youth leaving the foster care system through Child and Family Services’ Supported Independent Living Program (SILP). Clients receive mentorship and support related to harm reduction, family relationships, housing, education, and employment. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, John Howard Society of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Housing Benefit – Seeking Safety Stream The Seeking Safety from Interpersonal Violence stream is a monthly benefit available to people leaving interpersonal violence situations to help them find a new place to live independently and safely. People who are in the process of leaving transitional housing, emergency shelter or second stage housing or who may have an unstable living situation may be eligible for the Seeking Safety stream of the SHB. Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, Community Based Organizations
Saskatoon Downtown Youth Centre Inc. (EGADZ) Serves children, youth, young adults and young parents through a range of services including outreach, a drop in centre, day and school support programs, a short-term transitional school program, youth employment programs, Operation Help and IAmnot4Sale app and website for sexually exploited youth, Operation Runaway, a teen parent and parent support program, Sweet Dreams Early Learning Centre, and a number of housing programs. Will be operating a ten bed mental health youth home starting fall 2023. Ministries of Justice and Attorney General and Social Services, Saskatchewan Health Authority, EGADZ, Saskatoon Public and Catholic schools
Services for Youth in Care Who go Missing Operation Runaway operated by EGADZ in Saskatoon identifies the root causes of youths’ running patterns and how we, as collective agencies, can help youth create a self-developed case plan that is unique to each individual. Partnering with other community organizations, this is a wrap-around service, where youth are provided with quick resources, eliminating their need to run away.

Youth Connect Program operated by John Howard Society in Regina provides supports and services to hard to serve youth who are absent from Ministry of Social Services care and in circumstances that endanger their health, safety and wellbeing. Services include outreach, intensive case planning, weekly circles with identified resources, and pro-social activities and programming. Services focus on connecting with youth to assess their risks and needs and develop a safety plan that meets their basic needs and provides interim safety. Addressing the root causes of running will be key in determining program success.

EGADZ has partnered with the Ministry of Social Services to extend the use of the EGADZ Missing Youth Saskatchewan App and risk assessment tool to other community based organizations across the province. The tool is designed to engage and support hard to serve youth who go missing from care. It was developed by youth in coordination with the EGADZ program and the Saskatoon Police Service.
Ministry of Social Services, EGADZ, John Howard Society, police
Yorkton Transitional Homes for Youth A 24/7supportive living environment for youth with staff in place to address the safety, stability and life-skills training and support of at-risk youth. It provides support services, a rooming house that provides transitional supportive housing to youth aging out of care, or young adults over 18-24 requiring minimal support to live independently. Ministry of Social Services, Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, Yorkton Transitional Homes for Youth, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
YWCA My Aunt’s Place and Joan’s Place Emergency benefits for women with children who are seeking emergency shelter. Residents receive support, counselling, advocacy, assistance with housing, and transportation while determining their options for the future. Ministry of Social Services, the YWCA (My Aunt’s Place and Joan’s Place)

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