Accessing Health Care Services
Information, forms, and resources are available to support health care administrators and professionals as they put Saskatchewan patients first.
eHealth Saskatchewan
eHealth Saskatchewan maintains key electronic health information systems in our province. Find more information about the Electronic Health Record, health registrations, vital statistics, and more.
Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory (RRPL)
The Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory (RRPL), formerly the Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory (SDCL), works to identify, respond to, and prevent illness and disease in the province.
Surgical Booking Resources
Surgical and endoscopy booking form and associated reference materials, such as the Saskatchewan Diagnosis Code List used for surgical prioritization.
Transitional Payment Model (TPM) Information
The Transitional Payment Model (TPM) is a new payment model for eligible Saskatchewan family physicians that combines the existing fee-for-service (FFS) structure with a new capitation payment (based on patient contacts and panel size).
Find a Medical Specialist
Use the online Specialist Directory to find a surgeon for you.
Health Governance and Policy
Learn about staff appeals and decisions, and health services policy and procedure.
Health Professional Associations and Organizations
Licensing and regulation of health professions is an important part of ensuring quality care for patients. Learn more about professional associations and organizations in Saskatchewan.
Innovation Fund
The Innovation Fund will provide grants to support physician-generated ideas that will deliver better access to primary care in the province. Applications to the Innovation Fund will be reviewed by a committee prior to approval.
Licensing for Health Care Practices and Professionals
Find what you need to know about business and licensing information.
Ministry of Health Forms
Find forms used by Ministry of Health programs and services for the Drug Plan, care homes, mental health services and more.
Primary Health Care in Saskatchewan
The strengthening of primary health care represents a fundamental shift in how the health system in Saskatchewan works. By transforming the way the system operates today, we can ensure quality services are there when we need them tomorrow.
Resources for Health Care Businesses and Career Development
Find resources on educational opportunities, recruitment, professional associations, health related organizations, billing and payment schedules.
Saskatchewan Asbestos Registry of Public Buildings
The Provincial Government, Crown Corporations, health regions, and all facilities used as public schools are required to provide and post information about the presence of asbestos in their buildings. Find the information you need to include your building in the registry.
Saskatchewan Formulary
A website containing the list of prescription drugs covered by the Ministry of Health and other detailed information on these drugs.
Saskatchewan Health Initiatives
Your province is working to improve patient care within our health care system from the Drug Plan to wait times to patient- and family-centred care.
Treatment, Procedures and Guidelines
Find out about illnesses and diseases of concern in our province and the health care services and programs available to Saskatchewan residents.