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Trade and Export Development

Construction workers

The Ministry of Trade and Export Development advances economic growth to generate wealth and opportunity in Saskatchewan. The ministry facilitates a co-ordinated cross-government approach to attract investment and grow export markets. The ministry fosters and supports a competitive business environment, facilitates trade and strengthens Saskatchewan's international relations.


1. Information you might be looking for

Invest and Do Business in Saskatchewan

Learn about investment and business opportunities in Saskatchewan's key economic sectors.


2. Plans and Annual Reports

Plan for 2025-26

The plan for 2025-26 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.

For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.

Annual Reports

The Ministry of Trade and Export Development's 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.

Previous fiscal year annual reports can be found by visiting Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.

Other Annual Reports


3. Programs and services

Starting a Business
Find the resources you need to plan, manage and grow your business.

Saskatchewan Manufacturers and Suppliers Guide
Use this database to find Saskatchewan-made goods and services, or list your company for additional exposure to potential customers.

First Nations, Métis, and Northern Economic Development
Find information on programs that support Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis business owners and entrepreneurs.

Labour-sponsored Venture Capital Corporation Funds
Invest in shares of Saskatchewan companies to be eligible for tax credits and RRSP deductions.


4. Minister and managers

Hon. Warren Kaeding
Hon. Warren Kaeding, Minister

Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-8687
Mailing Address Room 346, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK, S4S 0B3
Jodi Banks, Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-0306
Physical Address 3rd Floor, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK
Mailing Address 300, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8
Tyler Lynch, Assistant Deputy Minister, Economic Development

Assistant Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-541-8312
Physical Address 3rd Floor, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK
Mailing Address 300, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8
Jay Teneycke, Executive Director, Marketing and Communications

Executive Director's Office

Phone 306-787-7967
Physical Address 4th Floor, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8
Mailing Address 300, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8

5. Forms and publications

You can find all publications for this ministry in the Publications Centre.


6. Legislation

The acts and regulations administered by the Ministry of Trade and Export Development are available in PDF format. The links below are provided with the consent of Office of the King's Printer pursuant to Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies. Printed copies of the legislation are also available through the Freelaw® website.

Legislation assigned to the Minister of Trade and Export Development

7. News releases

Read the ministry's most recent news releases

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