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SaskBuilds and Procurement

Regina Court House

The Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement provides central co-ordination and delivery of property management, information technology, procurement, project management, transportation, and other services to government ministries and agencies. In collaboration with SaskBuilds Corporation, the ministry integrates, co-ordinates and prioritizes infrastructure planning and delivery for the Province of Saskatchewan, and advances projects through contract oversight, innovative approaches and alternative financing models as appropriate. The ministry also provides funding to the Provincial Archives of Saskatchewan.


1. Information you might be looking for

Procurement Guidance

The ministry has a library of documents that provide assistance to public entities entering in to a procurement. These documents include procurement policies, guides, competition templates and related guides as well as information on conducting Vendor Performance ratings.

SaskBuilds and Procurement Training

The ministry has developed an inventory of training courses that provides a very good starting point in any practitioners procurement education. These courses provide a mix of theory and practical examples in applying a best value approach to procurement.

Purchase used government equipment on SaskSurplus

The ministry co-ordinates the disposal of used government-owned supplies. Your window to buying used goods is the free-of-charge SaskSurplus website. You'll find good quality items and supplies such as vehicles, furniture, electronics and other equipment. Visit now to view and bid on any posted government goods.

Learn about the Community Donations Program

Community-based organizations can also benefit from the disposal of usable government office furnishings through the Community Donations Program. Community-based organizations across Saskatchewan are eligible to receive furnishings free of charge. Organizations can request items online and one organization is randomly chosen to receive each item.

Register online to begin selecting donations your organization is interested in receiving. This program supports the valuable work volunteers and community workers do every day to strengthen our communities.

Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford Audit

The third party independent audit of the Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford (SHNB) facility is listed below with the appendices.


2. Plans and Annual Reports

Plan for 2025-26

The plan for 2025-26 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.

The 2024-25 Major Capital Action Plan and Capital Projects map highlight key infrastructure investments in the 2024-25 Saskatchewan Capital Plan that the ministry delivers on in the Health, Education and Government Services sectors.

For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.

Annual Reports

The Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement's 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.


3. Programs and Services

The Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement is the major internal service provider to all other Executive Government ministries and agencies. From property management to information technology to transportation, our services are provided almost exclusively to other government ministries. Our role is to enable them to deliver efficient, quality services that the public expects and deserves from its government.

While the ministry provides an array of services to other ministries, its major services include:

Property and Project Management

SaskBuilds and Procurement manages and maintains more than 700 government buildings on behalf of Government in communities across Saskatchewan. This includes the leasing, purchasing, operation and maintenance of the buildings. We also play a central project construction role in building new facilities and revitalization projects such as the Legislative building, courthouses, correctional facilities and other government buildings by providing services such as contract management, industry liaison, small-scale design and tendering.

Information Technology

SaskBuilds and Procurement is a full-service IT provider to Executive Government ministries, agencies and government employees no matter where in the province they are located. We provide or manage IT help desk and on-site computer support services, hardware and software, IT security services, computer application maintenance and development, data centre services and network services.


SaskBuilds and Procurement is the main transportation provider to all Executive Government and its employees, whether on the ground or in the air. Our Central Vehicle Agency manages and maintains a fleet of vehicles for use by ministries or employees no matter what their requirements.

SaskBuilds and Procurement also owns and maintains the government's small fleet of aircraft. We operate Saskatchewan Air Ambulance Services aircraft in partnership with the Saskatchewan Health Authority, which provides province-wide emergency medical evacuation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Commercial Services

In addition to major services like coordinating transportation, SaskBuilds and Procurement provides the day-to-day services other government ministries need to serve the public and business community. Each year we handle more than 16 million pieces of mail and are responsible for storing and archiving in excess of 200,000 government records.

Green Initiative

As a key focus of its service to other ministries and agencies, SaskBuilds and Procurement works to reduce the government's environmental footprint. Buildings are built and refurbished to the highest of environmental standards under the international LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification program. They're also maintained and operated in an environmentally friendly way under the Canadian industry standard for commercial building sustainability certification program known as BOMA BEST (Building Environmental Standards).

When it comes to ground transportation our emphasis is on cost-efficient, environmentally friendly vehicles. SaskBuilds and Procurement purchases fuel-efficient, low-emission vehicles whenever possible and maintains a fleet that is the right size to fit the needs of Government.

Other sustainable actions include conservation, waste management, and recycling.


4. Ministers and managers

Hon. David Marit
Hon. David Marit, Minister

Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-0942
Fax 306-787-8677
Mailing Address Room 340, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK, S4S 0B3
Rebecca Carter
Rebecca Carter, Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-6520
Fax 306-787-6547
Mailing Address 1920 Rose Street, Regina, SK, S4P 0A9
Jill Zimmer, Assistant Deputy Minister

Corporate Strategy and Services

Phone 306-798-1228
Fax 306-798-0700
Mailing Address 1920 Rose Street, Regina, SK, S4P 0A9
Sara Nichols, Assistant Deputy Minister

Infrastructure Design and Delivery

Phone 306-535-4083
Fax 306-798-0626
Mailing Address 1920 Rose Street, Regina, SK, S4P 0A9
Patrick Coulthard, Assistant Deputy Minister

Operations and Service Delivery

Phone 306-787-7592
Fax 306-787-1061
Mailing Address 1920 Rose Street, Regina, SK, S4P 0A9
Maire Coulthard, Acting Chief Procurement Officer

Procurement Management

Phone 306-787-2161
Mailing Address 1920 Rose Street, Regina, SK, S4P 0A9

5. Forms and publications

You can find all publications for this ministry in the Publications Centre.


6. Legislation

The following acts and regulations are administered by the Ministry of SaskBuilds and Procurement. The links below are provided by consent of Office of the King's Printer pursuant to the Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies. Printed copies of the legislation are also available through the Freelaw® website.

To order or subscribe, please visit the Freelaw® website. If you don't have Adobe Readers on your system, you can download it for free.

Legislation and Regulations

The Architects Act, 1996 (and regulations)

The Archives and Public Records Management Act

The Archives and Public Records Management Regulations

The Canadian Information Processing Society of Saskatchewan Act, 2005

The Economic and Co-operative Development Act (SaskBuilds and Procurement is responsible only for clauses 8(c) and 9(I)(h), subsection 9(3) and the Information Technology Office Service Regulations)

The Interior Designers Act 

The Public Works and Services Act

The Purchasing Act, 2004 (and regulations)


7. News releases

Read the ministry's most recent news releases

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