Ministry of Justice and Attorney General

The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General provides a fair justice system that upholds the law and protects the rights of all individuals in Saskatchewan; promotes safe and secure communities; and provides legal and justice policy advice to government.
The Saskatchewan Ministry of Justice and Attorney General does not provide legal advice, legal research, or interpretation of legislation or regulations as it may apply to a person's particular circumstances. For general information on the law in Saskatchewan, visit the Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan's (PLEA) website. For legal advice or assistance, please contact a lawyer.
You may also qualify for one of the following programs:
- Legal Aid Saskatchewan;
- Community Legal Assistance Services for Saskatoon Inner City Inc. (CLASSIC); or
- Pro Bono Law Saskatchewan. Call Toll Free 1-855-833-7257.
1. Information you might be looking for
Child Support
The Maintenance Enforcement Office registers support orders and agreements, monitors payments and takes enforcement action when required payments are missed or late.
Commissioner for Oaths or Notary Public
A Commissioner for Oath can administer oaths on documents for use in Saskatchewan. A Notary Public can sign passport documents and certify copies of birth certificates and other documents.
Landlord and Tenant Information - Office of Residential Tenancies
Learn the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.
Marriage Commissioners and Licences
Find a marriage commissioner and licence requirements to get married in Saskatchewan.
Pay a Provincial Fine
Pay a provincial fine such as a traffic violation online or in person.
Public Complaints Commission
Make a complaint about the conduct of any member of a municipal police service in relation to his or her duty.
Public Prosecutions Policies and Other Documents
These policies give insight into Public Prosecutions' approach and give information regarding how prosecutors make various decisions. You will also find documents related to breath testing.
Service on the Crown or Attorney General
Here you will find a list of solicitors employed by the Ministry of Justice who can accept service of documents on behalf of the Attorney General of Saskatchewan.
2. Plans and Annual Reports
Plan for 2025-26
The plan for 2025-26 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.
For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.
Annual Reports
The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General's 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.
Previous fiscal year annual reports from the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General can be found by visiting the Publications Centre.
3. Programs and services
Court Services
Information on the Aboriginal Courtworker Program, court dates, paying a provincial fine, pardons and trial transcripts.
Victims of Crime
Information and programs for those who are victims of crime or abuse.
Interpersonal Violence and Abuse
Information on emergency shelters for women and children, sexual assault services, and family outreach services that provide women and their children access to shelters and other important services.
Justice, Crime and the Law
Information on a range of services that promote safety in Saskatchewan communities.
Office of Residential Tenancies
Information on the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants.
Missing Persons
Assistance for families and those working with families in missing persons cases.
Wills and Estates
The Public Guardian and Trustee protects the interests of vulnerable people by administering the financial affairs of children under the age of 18, a dependent adult or a deceased person.
Articling Program
The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General offers graduating law students a well-rounded articling experience.
Saskatchewan Coroners Service
Responsible for the investigation of all sudden, unexpected and unnatural deaths in the province.
Publications Centre
Online resource for all government publications including Justice documents and legislation as well as other Saskatchewan publications.
5. Forms and Publications
You can find all publications and forms for the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General in the Publications Centre.
6. Legislation
The following acts and regulations are administered by the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General and are available in PDF format. The links below are provided with the consent of Office of the King's Printer pursuant to Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies. Printed copies of the legislation are also available through the Publications Centre.
To order or subscribe, please visit the Publications Centre. If you don't have Adobe Reader on your system, you can download it for free.
7. News releases
Read the ministry's most recent news releases
Investor Alert: Amitell Capital PTE LTD, Royal Stone Group, and Alpin Horizons Are Not Registered
The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan (FCAA) warns investors of the online entities known as Amitell Capital PTE LTD, Royal...
$271.0 Million Budget Delivers Public Safety and Safer Communities
The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General is investing more than $271.0 million to enhance community safety and deliver safer communities and...
Investor Alert: Suspected Crypto Scam Uses Premier Moe's Image and Fake News Article to Target Saskatchewan People
The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority of Saskatchewan (FCAA) is warning Saskatchewan people of an impersonation scam on social media using...
SIRT Concludes Investigation of Medical Distress Following Arrest in Prince Albert
On April 1, 2023, the Saskatchewan Serious Incident Response Team (SIRT) was notified of an in-custody serious injury during a vehicle stop related...
Inquest into the Death of Rayleen Angus Besic
A public inquest into the death of Rayleen Angus Besic will be held April 7 to 11, 2025, at the Coronet Hotel, 3551 2nd Avenue West, in Prince...