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Immigration and Career Training

Standard Machine

The Ministry of Immigration and Career Training leads efforts to help individuals prepare for, obtain and maintain employment, and activities to assist employers with the development, recruitment and retention of workers, consistent with provincial labour market needs.


1. Information you might be looking for

Immigrate to Saskatchewan

Learn about the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) and settlement services to help newcomers and immigrants feel at home in Saskatchewan.

Employment and Skills Training

Find programs to assist unemployed or under-employed individuals and older workers get the skills they need to work in Saskatchewan.

Find a job in Saskatchewan

Visit to find job openings or post your resume online. Employers can post their jobs at no cost.


2. Plans and Annual Reports

Plan for 2025-26

The plan for 2025-26 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.

For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.

Annual Reports

The Ministry of Immigration and Career Training's 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.

Previous fiscal year annual reports can be found by visiting Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.


3. Programs and services


Learn about the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) and settlement services to help newcomers and immigrants feel at home in Saskatchewan.

Work in Saskatchewan

Find programs and services to assist people in finding a job or obtaining the skills they need to join the workforce.

Hire, Train and Manage Employees

Learn more about employment standards, grants and other issues important to business owners and their employees.


4. Minister and managers

Hon. Jim Reiter
Hon. Jim Reiter, Minister

Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-6060
Mailing Address Room 312, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK, S4S 0B3
Drew Wilby, Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-798-0331
Physical Address 8th Floor, 1945 Hamilton Street, Regina, SK, S4P 2C7
Mailing Address 1000, 2103 - 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8
Christa Ross, Assistant Deputy Minister

Assistant Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-529-7200
Physical Address 8th Floor, 1945 Hamilton Street, Regina, SK, S4P 2C7
Mailing Address 1000 - 2103 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8
Darcy Smycniuk, Assistant Deputy Minister

Assistant Deputy Minister Office

Phone 306-533-2107
Physical Address 8th Floor, 1945 Hamilton Street, Regina, SK, S4P 2C7
Mailing Address 1000 - 2103 11th Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3Z8

5. Forms and publications

You can find all publications for this ministry in the Publications Centre.


6. Legislation

The following Acts and regulations are administered by the Ministry of Immigration and Career Training and are available in PDF format. The links below are provided with the consent of Office of the King's Printer pursuant to Government of Saskatchewan copyright policies. Printed copies of the legislation are also available through the Publications Centre. To order or subscribe, please visit the Publications Centre.

The Ministry is responsible for the following legislation:

  • The Economic and Co-operative Development Act, but only with respect to:
    • Clause 8(a) which is jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration and Career Training, the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport, the Minister of Trade and Export Development and the Minister Responsible for Tourism Saskatchewan;
    • Clause 16(a) which is jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration & Career Training and the Minister of Trade and Export Development; and
    • The Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Application Fee Regulations
  • The Education Act, 1995, but only with respect to:
    • Subsection 3(1) which is jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration and Career Training, the Minister of Advanced Education, and the Minister of Education
  • The Indian and Native Affairs Act, but only with respect to:
    • Clause 7(b) which is jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration and Career Training and the Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs
  • The Multiculturalism Act, but only with respect to:
    • Clauses 4(g) and (h) which are jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration and Career Training and the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport
  • The Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training Act, which is jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration and Career Training, and the Minister of Advanced Education, except section 5, clauses 15(2)(a),(c), (d), (e), (i) and (j) and section 17 which are jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration and Career Training, the Minister of Advanced Education, and the Minister of Education
    • The Training Programs Regulations which are jointly assigned to the Minister of Immigration and Career Training, and the Minister of Education, except the regulations related to literacy program, which are with the Minister of Education.

7. News releases

Read the ministry's most recent news releases

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