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Ministry of Government Relations

Government Relations - Group sitting in office setting

Responsible for municipal relations, First Nations, Métis and northern affairs. The ministry works with a diverse range of partners and stakeholders so that communities can improve their quality of life.


1. Information you might be looking for

Administration information for municipal offices
Information for municipal administrators, clerks and elected officials, such as sample bylaws, fact sheets, informational workshops, election information, assessment, taxation and various guides.

Municipal Directory
Search for contact information for all Saskatchewan municipal offices. Maps of individual rural municipalities (RMs) are available by contacting that RM office.

Municipal Revenue Sharing
This is a source of unconditional funding to each municipality, to support the delivery of municipal services. These funds are utilized on the basis of locally determined priorities. 

Funding programs available to northern communities
These programs provide financial and technical assistance to northern communities, municipalities and settlements.

Land-use, subdivision and community planning advice
Information and contacts are available to assist municipalities, other government ministries and the public during land-use planning.

Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis Relations programs and initiatives
Programs and initiatives for Saskatchewan's First Nations and Métis people, including Community Initiatives and the Northern Development Fund.

Building and Technical Standards
Learn about the building, accessibility and energy standards for the construction, renovation and the fire-safe operation of buildings in Saskatchewan.

Ministry of Government Relations YouTube videos
Visit our ministry's YouTube channel where you can watch videos on municipal infrastructure and municipal asset management.


2. Plans and Annual Reports

Plan for 2025-26

The plan for 2025-26 reflects the government's goals of sustaining growth and opportunities for Saskatchewan people, meeting the challenges of growth, securing a better quality of life for all Saskatchewan people and delivering responsive and responsible government.

For previous ministry plans, please visit Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.

Annual Reports

The Ministry of Government Relations' 2023-24 Annual Report presents the ministry's activities and results for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. It reports to the public and elected officials on public commitments made and other key accomplishments of the ministry.

Previous fiscal year annual reports can be found by visiting Prior Year Plans, Reports and Guiding Documents.


3. Programs and services

Building and Technical Standards
Information for building owners, industry, municipalities, building officials, the fire service, other government units and code users about the application of codes and standards.

Municipal Administration
Information for municipalities such as sample bylaws, rural, urban and resort election information, assessment, taxation and various guides.

Resources for First Nations, Métis and Northern Citizens
First Nations and Métis education and employment, community support, gaming, grants, land consultations, tax programs.


4. Ministers and managers

Hon. Eric Schmalz
Hon. Eric Schmalz, Minister

Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-6100
Fax 306-787-0399
Mailing Address Room 306, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK
Laurier Donais
Laurier Donais, Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-1925
Mailing Address 10th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Jeff Markewich, Assistant Deputy Minister, Central Services and Standards

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-9415
Mailing Address 10th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Bonnie Chambers, Assistant Deputy Minister, Municipal Relations Divison

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-5765
Mailing Address 10th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Susan Carani, Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs

Deputy Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-7405
Mailing Address 10th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Karen Hill, Executive Director


Phone 306-798-6095
Mailing Address 14th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Karri Kempf, Executive Director

Advisory Services and Municipal Relations

Phone 306-787-9641
Mailing Address 10th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
William Hawkins, Executive Director

Building and Technical Standards

Phone 306-787-4517
Fax 306-798-4172
Mailing Address 14th Floor - 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Ian Goeres, Executive Director

Community Planning

Phone 306-787-2893
Mailing Address 4th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Heather Evans, Executive Director

Corporate Services

Phone 306-787-1682
Mailing Address 14th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Alethea Foster, Executive Director

Indigenous And Northern Relations

Phone 306-787-5176
Fax 306-787-5832
Mailing Address 4th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Sherelyn Caderma, Executive Director

Lands and Consultation

Phone 306-798-5166
Fax 306-787-6336
Mailing Address 4th Floor, 1855 Victoria Ave, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Iryna Soloduk, Executive Director

Municipal Infrastructure and Finance

Phone 306-787-8887
Fax 306-787-3641
Mailing Address 5th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2
Brad Henry, Executive Director

Northern Municipal Services

Phone 306-425-4322
Fax 306-425-2401
Physical Address Room 2400, Mistasinihk Place, 1328 La Ronge Avenue
Mailing Address Box 113, La Ronge, SK, S0J 1L0
Rod Nasewich, Executive Director

Policy and Program Services

Phone 306-798-7048
Mailing Address 15th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 3T2

5. Forms and publications

You can find all publications and forms for this ministry in the Publications Centre.


6. Legislation

The following acts and regulations are administered by the Ministry of Government Relations:

* Not available online, please contact Office of the King's Printer.

The following acts and regulations are administered by the Minister Responsible for First Nations, Métis and Northern Affairs:


7. News releases

Read the ministry's most recent news releases

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