eHealth Saskatchewan
eHealth Saskatchewan is responsible for developing and implementing the Electronic Health Record (EHR) for Saskatchewan. Managing health registrations, vital statistics and more.
Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority (FCAA)
FCAA protects consumer and public interests and supports economic well-being through responsive financial marketplace regulation.
Global Transportation Hub Authority (GTH)
The GTH provides rail access to all major Canadian ports, Gulf Coast ports and mid-western US trans-shipment points and trucking connections to all major networks including Trans-Canada, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Chicago and Mexico.
Innovation Saskatchewan
Innovation Saskatchewan provides recommendations and advice to the Government of Saskatchewan regarding its strategic direction in the areas of research, development, science and technology. Innovation Saskatchewan is also involved with the demonstration and the commercialization of new technologies, and facilitates in the co-ordination of the province's innovation activities.
Municipal Financing Corporation of Saskatchewan (MFC)
Municipal Financing Corporation of Saskatchewan assists in making capital funds available for the financing of sewer and water, school, hospital, and other essential construction and local improvement projects by municipalities, school divisions and health districts.
Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC)
SCIC is a provincial Treasury Board Crown Corporation under the portfolio of the Minister of Agriculture. SCIC is responsible for administering three programs: Crop Insurance (AgriInsurance), AgriStability (beginning with the 2009 program year), and Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.
Saskatchewan Housing Corporation
Saskatchewan Housing Corporation provides a range of programs and services to help Saskatchewan people in greatest housing need.
Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA)
SLGA is a Treasury Board Crown corporation responsible for the distribution, control and regulation of liquor and most gaming across the province.
Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA)
SPSA oversees Saskatchewan’s emergency management, fire safety, wildfire management and 911 emergency dispatching services.
Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC)
SRC is one of Canada’s leading providers of applied research, development and demonstration (RD&D) and technology commercialization.
Tourism Saskatchewan
Tourism Saskatchewan is a Treasury Board Crown corporation responsible for developing and promoting tourism in Saskatchewan. Its mandate includes marketing, visitor services, education and training, and product and industry development.
Water Security Agency
The Water Security Agency leads management of the province's water resources to ensure safe drinking water sources and reliable water supplies for economic, environmental and social benefits for Saskatchewan people.