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Office of Disability Issues

The Office of Disability Issues (ODI), hosted by the Ministry of Social Services, provides leadership and coordination on disability policy across government ministries, the disability community, and the public to help make Saskatchewan a more inclusive province.

ODI also works with other levels of governments such as municipalities, the Saskatchewan Health Authority, school divisions, and the private sector to build support and momentum for the changes needed to create greater opportunities for people with disabilities in their communities.

ODI is also the developer and lead for Saskatchewan's Disability Strategy, which has the vision of a Saskatchewan that is welcoming, responsive, innovative, and accessible so people with disabilities can live the life they choose.


1. Information you might be looking for

Parking Passes for People with Disabilities
Apply for a parking permit through SaskAbilities Parking Program for People with Disabilities.

Make Your Home More Accessible
Find out more about the program designed to help people with low incomes to make the changes needed to accommodate someone with a disability living in their home.

Make Your Business More Accessible
Find more information about the Government of Canada's Enabling Accessibility Fund, which is designed to improve accessibility, reduce parries and enable Canadians regardless of physical ability.

Find a Job
Information about what kind of help is available for people with disabilities to prepare for, secure and maintain a job in Saskatchewan.

Support for Attending a Post-Secondary Institution
Canada-Saskatchewan grant for services and equipment.

Legal Support for Vulnerable Persons
Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee

Disability / Caregiver Tax Credits
Personal Income Tax Rates and Credit Amounts

Other Supports for People with Disabilities
Find out more about the supports that are available through the Ministry of Health and the Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living (SAIL) program

Community-Based Support for People with Disabilities
Locate and find more information about Saskatchewan's many community-based organizations that are helping people with disabilities and their communities.


2. Programs and services

The Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID)
This program provides a monthly income for people with significant and long-term disabilities.

Cognitive Disability Strategy (CDS)
CDS is meant to provide services to address the unmet needs of people with cognitive disabilities and their families.

Autism Spectrum Disorder - Individualized Funding (ASD-IF)
Individualized funding provides parents with funding to purchase services that best suite their child's individual needs.

Community Living Service Delivery (CLSD)
CLSD works with people with intellectual disabilities to help them access a variety of community-based services, including residential supports.

3. Ministers and managers

Hon. Terry Jenson
Hon. Terry Jenson, Minister

Minister's Office

Phone 306-787-3661
Fax 306-787-0656
Mailing Address Room 303, 2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK, S4S 0B3

4. Forms and publications

Saskatchewan Disability Strategy

The Disability Strategy looks to address and identify the support and service needs of children and adults who experience disability – whether physical, sensory, psychiatric, cognitive or intellectual.


5. Legislation

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